Brain and Behavior

  1. A primary tumor arise from ?? Secondary tumors??
    Primary tumors arise from cells that are intrinsic to the CNS or its coverings. Secondary tumors arise from sites elsewhere in the body and involve the brain or spinal cord via metasteses.
  2. All intracranial tumors have these 3 effects
    • 1) focal dysfunction
    • 2) irritant effect
    • 3) intracranial expanding lesions and increase in intracranial pressure
  3. Glial cells are the origin cell of what kinds of primary tumors?
    astrocytoma, oligodendrglioma, ependymoma, glioblastoma, and glioblastoma multiforme
  4. Primitive neuroectodermal cells can give rise to what type of primary tumor?
  5. Arachnoidal cells can give rise to what type of primary tumor?
  6. Nerve sheath cells give rise to what type of primary tumors?
    shwannoma and neurofibroma
  7. Lymphoma is a primary tumor that arises from what type of cell?
    lymphoreticular cells
  8. Oligodendroglioma arises from _________ and histologically has a __________ appearance. This mainly affects the ________ and patients may have a history of _____________.
    • oligodendrocytes
    • fried egg
    • frontal lobe
    • poorly controlled seizures
  9. Ependymomas are a frequnet tumor of the ______ and the __________. Histologically they have a _________ appearance.
    • 4th ventricle and the spinal cord.
    • psuedorosette appearance.
  10. Medulloblastoma arises from cells in the _____________. This is typically found in ________. Histologically the tumor can be identified by __________.
    • external granule layer
    • children
    • sheets of uniform undifferentiated cells -- carrot shaped.
  11. What primary tumor has a chicken wire appearence histologically?
    Primary central nervous system lymphoma. Most are non-hodgkins lymphomas with B cell origin.
  12. What is the primary tumor that arises from arachnoid cells? What is their appearance histologically?
    • meningioma
    • whorls and calcified psammoma bodies
  13. Shwannomas most commonly affect the _______.
    8th cranial nerve
  14. Name two benign primary brain tumors.
    meningioma and schwannoma
  15. Name three primary tumors outside the CNS that can metastasize to form secondary tumors in the CNS.
    Lung, breast, and prostate carcinoma.
Card Set
Brain and Behavior
Exam 1 Material