Meda 110 Ch.5

  1. Ecchymosis (challenge word)
    Bluish black discoloration of an area of the skin or mucous membrane caused by an escape of blood into the tissues as a result of injury to the area. (Bruise)
  2. Onychocryptosis (Challenge Word)
    Ingrown toenails.
  3. Onychomycosis (Challenge Word)
    Any fungal infection of the nails.
  4. Epidermis
    • -is: Structure
    • Epi-: Over
    • -derm: Skin
  5. Hypodermis
    • -is: structure
    • Hypo-: below or under
    • -derm: skin
  6. Sudoriferous Glands
    • Sweat gland.
    • Sweat is mostly made up of water but contains salts, ammonia, uric acid, urea, and other waste products.
  7. Sebaceous Gland
    • Oil gland.
    • Sebum: oil that is secreted.
  8. Onychomychosis
    • Onycho-: nail
    • -mycho: fungus
    • -osis:
  9. Epinychium
  10. Melanin
    Provides color to the skin.
  11. Sweat Glands
    Located under the skin.
  12. Fact
    The skin provides for elimination of body wastes in the form of perspiration substances such as water, salts, and some fatty substances are excreted through the pores.
  13. Epidermis
    • The outer layer of the skin, contains no blod or nerve supply.
    • The epidermis actually has about five different layers of stratified epithelium cells.
    • The two layers that will be mentioned are the stratum basale and stratum corneum.
  14. Stratum Basale (Basal Layer)
    • Is where new cells are constantly being produced, pushing older cells toward the outer most surface of the skin.
    • It is the innermost layer layer of the epidermis.
    • Also contains melanocytes which provide color for the skin and some protection from the sun.
  15. Stratum Corneum
    • The outermost layer of the epidermis.
    • Where dead skin cells are constantly being shed and replaced.
    • When the skin cells reach the outermost layer and die they become filled with a had water-repellant protein called keratin.
  16. Keratin
    (Waterproofing the body) It is a protein that creates a barrier by not allowing water to penetrate.
  17. Dermis
    • The inner thicker layer of the skin lying beneath the epidermis.
    • AKA the Corium.
    • It protects the body from mechanical injury and compression and serves as a reservoir for water and electrolytes.
    • Contains capillaries, lymphatic channels, and nerve endings. Also contains hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands.
    • Contains both connective tissue and elastic fibers.
  18. Stretch Marks or Stria
    Linear tears in the dermis (usually from obesity or pregnancy).
  19. Papillae
    Provide friction for grapsing objects. (fingerprints)
  20. Subcutaneous Layer
    • Tissue that lies just beneath the dermis.
    • Consists largely of loos connective tissue and adipose tissue.
    • Sometimes called superficial fascia or subcutaneous fascia.
    • Provides insulation for the body, and protection.
    • It is rich in nerves and nerve endings, major blood vessels.
  21. Hair
    Is a long slender filament of keratin.
  22. Lanugo
    Soft downy hair.
  23. Nail Body
    Visible part of the nail.
  24. Cuticle
    Fold of the skin at the base of the nail body.
  25. Lunula
    Crescent shaped white area known as the lunula.
  26. Fact
    Nails grow approximately .5mm per week.
  27. Nail Bed
    The nail body is nourished by the nail bed which is an epithelial layer located directly beneath it (nail body).
  28. Ceruminous Gland
    • Is classified as a modified sweat gland.
    • Opening onto the free surface of the external ear canal.
    • Lubricates the skin of the ear canal with a yellowish-brown waxy substance called cerumen (ear wax).
  29. Abrasion
    Scrapping or rubbing away of the the skin.
  30. Abscess
    Localized collection of pus in any part of the body.
  31. Albino
    An individual with a marked deficiency of pigment in the eys, hair, and skin.
  32. Alopecia
    Partial or complete loss of hair.
  33. Furuncle
    Localized pus-producing infection originating deep in a hair follicle (blister).
  34. Bulla
    Large blister.
  35. Carbuncle
    Circumscribed inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues that contain pus, which eventually discharges to the skin.
  36. Cellulitis
    A diffuse acute infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, chracterized by localized heat, deep redness, pain, and swelling.
  37. Cicatrix
    A scar, the pale, firm tissue that forms in the healing of a wound.
  38. Collagen
    The protein substance that forms the glistening inelastic fibers of connective tissue such as tendons, ligaments, and fascia.
  39. Comedo
    • Typical lesion of acne vulgaris, caused by accumulation of keratin and sebum within the opening of a hair follicle.
    • Closed comedo: white head.
    • Open comedo: blackhead.
  40. Contusion
    An injury to a part of the body wihtout a break in the skin.
  41. Curettage
    Process of scraping material from the wall of a cavity or other surface for the purpose or removing abnormal tissue or unwanted material.
  42. Cutaneous Membrane or Integument
    The skin.
  43. Debridement
    Removal of debris, foreign objects, and damaged or necrotic tissue from a wound in order to prevent infection and to promote healing.
  44. Diaphoresis
    Secretion of sweat.
  45. Epidermoid Cyst
    A cyst filled with a cheesy material composed of sebum and epithelial debris that has formed in the duct of the sebaceous gland.
  46. Epithelium
    The tissue that covers the internal and external surfaces of the body.
  47. Erythremia
    Abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells, polycythemia vera
  48. Erythroderma or Erythema
    Redness of the skin due to capillary dilation. Nervous blushing or a mild sunburn.
  49. Excoriation
    Injury to the surface of the skin caused by trauma, such as scratching or abrasions.
  50. Fissure
    A cracklike sore or groove in the skin or mucous membrane.
  51. Fistula
    An abnormal passageway between two tubular organs (i.e. vagina or rectum) or from an organ to the body surface.
  52. Ischemia
    Loss of blood supply to an area.
  53. Hemangioma
    A benign tumor that consists of a mass of blood vessels.
  54. Heparin
    A natural anticoagulant substance produced by the body tissues.
  55. Histiocyte
    Macrophage a large phagocytic cell (cell that ingests microorganisms, other cells, and foreign particles) occuring in the walls of blood vessels and loose connective tissue.
  56. Hives
    Circumscribed , slightly elevated lesions of the skin that are paler in the center than its surrounding edges.
  57. Hydrocele
    A collection of fluid located in the area of the scrotal sac.
  58. Ichthyosis
    An inherited dermatological condition in which the skin is dry, hyperkeratotic, and fissured.
  59. Keratolytic
    An agent used to break down or loosen the horny (hardened) layer of the skin.
  60. Macule
    A small flat discoloration of the skin that is neither raised nor depressed.
  61. Nodule
    Small circumscribed swelling protruding above the skin.
  62. Onychophagia
    Habit of biting the nails.
  63. Pachyderma
    Abnormal thickening of the skin.
  64. Papule
    Small solid circumscribed elevation on the skin.
  65. Paronychia
    Inflammation of the fold of skin surrounding the fingernail, also called runaround.
  66. Pediculosis
    Infestation with lice.
  67. Petechia
    Small pinpoint hemorrhages of the skin.
  68. Pressure Ulcer
    AKA Decubitis Ulcer, Pressure Sore.
  69. Purpura
    Group of bleeding disorders characterized by bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes, small, pinpoint hemorrhages are known as petechia and larger hemorrhagic areas are known as ecchymoses or bruises.
  70. Seborrhea
    Excessive secretion of sebum, resulting in excessive oiliness or dry scales.
  71. Squamous Epithelial Cells
    Flat scalelike cells arranged in layers.
  72. Squamous Epithelium
    The single layer of flattened platelike cells that cover internal and external body surfaces.
  73. Subungual Hematoma
    A collection of blood beneath a nail bed, usually the result of trauma.
  74. Telangiectasia
    The permanent dilation of groups of superficial capillaries and venules. These dilated vessels may be visible through the skin as tiny red lines. Common causes include but are not limited to rosacea, elevated estrogen levels, and actinic damage.
  75. Urticaria
    A reaction of the skin in which there is an appearance of smooth, slightly elevated patches (Wheals) that are redder or paler than the surrounding skin.
  76. Vitiligo
    A skin disorder characterized by nonpigmented white patches of skin of varying sizes that are surrounded by skin with normal pigmentation.
  77. Xanthoderma
    Yellow coloration of the skin
  78. Xeroderma
    A chronic skin condition chracterized by roughness and dryness.
  79. Histology
    Study of tissue.
  80. Ichthy/o
    • Fish
    • Ichthyosis
  81. Kerat/o
    • Hard, horny, also refers to the cornea of the eye.
    • Keratosis
  82. Myc/o
    • Fungus
    • Mycosis
  83. Onych/o
    • Nails
    • Onychogryposis
  84. Pil/o
    • Hair
    • Pilondial
  85. Scler/o
    Hard, also refers to sclera of the eye.
  86. Squam/o
    • Scales
    • Squamous Epithelium
  87. Trich/o
    • Hair
    • Trichiasis
  88. Xer/o
    • Dryness
    • Xeroderma
  89. Carcinoma (Basal Cell)
    A malignant epithelial cell tumor that begins as a slightly elevated nodule with a depression or ulceration in the center.
  90. Carcinoma (Squamous Cell)
    A malignancy of the squamous cells of the epithelial tissue, which is a much faster growing cancer than basal cell carcinoma.
  91. Eczema
    An acute or chronic inflammatory skin condition chracterized by erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, crusts, or scabs and accompanied by intense itching.
  92. Exanthematous Viral Diseases
    A skin eruption or rash accompanied by inflammation, having specific diagnostic features of an intectious viral disease.
  93. Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
    Acute viral infection characterized by painful vesicular eruptions on the skin following along the nerve pathways of underlying spinal or cranial nerves.
  94. Hyperkeratosis
    An overgrowth of the horny layer of the epidermis.
  95. Impetigo
    Contagious superficial skin infection characterized by serous vesicles and pustules filled with millions of staphylococcus baterria.
  96. Kaposi's Sarcoma
    Vascular malignant lesions that being as soft purple-brown nodules or plaques on the face and oral cavity but can occur anywhere on the body.
  97. Keloid
    An enlarged, irregularly shaped, and elevated scar that forms due to the prescence of large amounts of collagen.
  98. Keratosis
    Skin condition in which there is a thickening and overgrowth of the cornified epithelium.
  99. Seborrheic Keratosis
    Appears as brown or waxy yellow wartlike lesions 5 to 20 mm in diameter, loosely attached to the skin surface.
  100. Actinic Keratosis
    Premalignant gray or red-brown hardened lesion caused by excessive exposure to sunlight.
  101. Leukoplakia
    White, hard, thickened patches firmly attached to the mucous membrane in areas such as the mouth, vulva, or penis.
  102. Nevus (mole)
    Visual accumulation of melanocytes, creating a flat or raised rounded macule or papule with definite borders.
  103. Pediculosis
    A highly contagious parasitic infestation caused by blood-sucking lice.
  104. Pemiphigus
    A rare incurable disorder manifested by blisters in the mouth and on the skin which spread to involve large areas of the body, including the chest, face, umbilicus, back, and groin.
  105. Pilondial Cyst
    A closed sac located in the sacrococcygeal area of the back, sometimes noted at birth as a dimple.
  106. Psoriasis
    A common, noninfectious, chronic disorder of the skin manifested by silvery-white scales covering round, raised, reddened plaques producing itching.
  107. Scabies
    A highly contagious parasitic infestation caused by the "human itch mite" resulting in a rash, pruritus, and slightly raised thread-like skin lines.
  108. Scleroderma
    A gradual thickening of the dermis and swelling of the hands and feet to a state in which the skin is anchored to the underlying tissue.
  109. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
    A chronic, multisystem, inflammatory disease chracterized by lesions of the nervous system and skin, renal problems, and vasculitis.
  110. Tinea
    • Ringworm. A chronic fungal infection of the skin that is chracterized by scaling, itching, and sometimes painful lesions.
    • Tinea Capitis: Ringworm of the scalp.
    • Tinea Corporis: Ringworm of the body.
    • Tinea Cruris: Ringworm of the groin.
    • Tinea Pedis: Ringworm of the foot.
  111. Wart (Verruca)
    A benign circumscribed elevated skin lesion that results from hypertrophy of the epidermis caused by the human papilloma virus.
  112. Electrodesiccation or Fulguration
    Involves destroying the tumor base with a low voltage electrode.
  113. Dermatoplasty
    Skin transplantation to a body surface damaged by injury or disease.
  114. Escharotomy
    An incision made into the necrotic tissue resulting from a severe burn.
  115. Wood's Lamp
    An ultraviolet light used to examine the scalp and skin for the purpose of observing fungal spores.
  116. Bx
  117. ID
  118. I&D
    Incision and drainage
  119. PPD
    Prurified protein derivative
  120. SLE
    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  121. subq.
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Meda 110 Ch.5
Meda 110 Ch.5