UE Muscles Cont'd

  1. Infraspinatus
    • Infraspinous fossa of the scapula
    • Greater tubercle of the humerus
    • Shldr lateral rotation, horiz. abduction
    • Suprascapular nerve
  2. Posterior Deltoid
    • Lateral spine of scapula
    • Deltoid tuberosity
    • Shldr. AB, extension, ER, horz. AB
    • Axillary Nerve
  3. Anterior Deltoid
    • Lateral 3rd of clavicle
    • Deltoid tuberosity
    • Shldr. AB, flexion, IR, horz. AD
    • Axillary Nerve
  4. MIddle Trapezius
    • Lower Cervical and upper thoracic SP
    • Scapular spine and acromion
    • Scap. retraction
    • Spinal accessory C3-4
  5. MIddle Deltoid
    • Lateral Acromion
    • Deltoid tuberosity
    • Shldr. AB
    • Axillary nerve
  6. Rhomboids
    • C7 and upper to mid thoracic SP
    • Vertebral border of scapula
    • Scap retraction, elevation and downward rotation
    • Dorsal Scap nerve
  7. Supraspinatus
    • Supraspinatus fossa of the scap
    • Greater tubercle
    • Shldr AB
    • Suprascapular nerve
  8. Coracobrachialis
    • Coracoid Process of scapula
    • Medial surface of humerus near midpoint
    • Stablizes shldr Jt
    • Musculocutaneous nerve
  9. Subscapularis
    • Subscapular fossa of scap.
    • lesser tubericle
    • IR
    • upper and lower subscapular
  10. Triceps
    • Long head:infrglenoid tubericle of scap
    • Lateral head: inferoir to greater tube on posterior humerus
    • Medial Head: Posterior humerus

    • Olecranon process of ulna
    • Elbow extension
    • Long head: shldr ex.
    • Radial nerve
  11. Levator scapula
    • Upper cervical TP
    • vertebral border of scap
    • scap downward rotation, scap elevation
    • third and forth cervical nerves (dorsal scap nerve)
  12. Brachioradialis
    • Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
    • Styloid process of radius
    • Elbow flexion
    • Radial Nerve
  13. Brachialis
    • Distal half of humerus anterior surface
    • Ulnar tuberosity
    • Elbow flexion
    • Musculocutaneous nerve
  14. Biceps
    • Long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scap
    • Short head: Coracoid process of scap
    • Radial tuberosity
    • Elbow flexion, forearm supination
    • Long head: shldr flexion
    • Musculocutaneous nerve
  15. Pronator Quadratus
    • Distal Ulna
    • Distal 4th of radius
    • Forearm pronation
    • Median Nerve
  16. Pronator teres
    • Medial Epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process
    • Midshaft of radius
    • Forearm pronation assist elbow flexion
    • Median Nerve
  17. Supinator
    • Lateral Epicondyle of humerus
    • Proximal radius
    • Forearm supination
    • Radial Nerve
  18. Lower trapezius
    • Middle to lower thoracic SP
    • Base of scap spine
    • Scap depression upward rotation
    • Spinal Accessory Nerve C3-4
  19. Pectoralis Major
    • Medial clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage of first 6 ribs
    • Lateral to bicipital grove of humerus
    • Shldr AB, IR, Horz. AD
    • Clavicular Head: Shldr flex. to 90
    • Sternum Head: extention to 90
    • Lateral and medial pectoral head
  20. Latissimus Dorsi
    • Mid thoracic to lumbar SP, sacrum, illiac crest, lower 3 ribs and infer. angle of scap
    • Medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus
    • Shldr ex. AD, IR, hyper ex.
    • assist: scap depression, dwnwrd rotation
    • Thoracodorsal nerve
  21. Teres Minor
    • Axillary border of scap
    • Greater tub of humerus
    • Shldr IR, Horz. AB
    • Axillary Nerve
  22. Teres Major
    • Axillary Border of scap near inf. angle
    • Medial to bicipital groove
    • Shldr ex. AD, IR
    • subscapular nerve
  23. Serratus anterior
    • Lateral surface of upper 8 ribs
    • Vertebral border of scap anteroir surface ( between scap and rib cage
    • Scap protraction, and upward rotation, prevents winging
    • Long Thoracic nerve
  24. Pectoralis Minor
    • Anterior surface of ribs 3-5
    • Coracoid process of scap
    • Scap depression, protraction, dwnwrd rotation
    • Medial Pectoral Nerve

    Deep to pec major
  25. Supraspinatus
    • Supraspinous fossa
    • under acromion to greater tubercle
    • AB, Stablizes head of humerus
    • Suprascapular nerve
  26. Upper Trapezius
    • Base of occiput and upper cervical SP via nuchal ligament
    • lateral clavicle and acromion process
    • Scap elevation, upward rotation
    • Spinal accessory nerve c3-4
  27. Extensor Pollicis Longus
    • middle posterior ulna and interossi membrane
    • Distal Phalanx of thumb
    • extends MCP, IP jts.
    • Radial Nerve
  28. Extensor Pollicis Brevis
    • Posterior Radius
    • Base of proximal phalanx of thumb
    • Extends MCP jt of thumb
    • Radial Nerve
  29. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
    • Lateral Epicondyle of humerus
    • base of 3rd metacarpal
    • Wrist extension, radial deviation
    • Radial Nerve
  30. Extensor Digitorum
    • Lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • base of distal phalanx of the 2-5
    • extends all 3 jts of digits 2-5
    • Radial Nerve
  31. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
    • Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
    • Base of 2nd metacarpal
    • Wrist extension, radial deviation
    • Radial Nerve
  32. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
    • Lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • base of 5th metacarpal
    • wrist extension, ulnar deviation
    • Radial Nerve
  33. Flexor Pollicis Longus
    • Radius anterior surface
    • distal Phalanx of thumb
    • Flexes all jts of thumb CMC, MCP, IP
    • Median Nerve
  34. Flexor Carpi Radialis
    • Medial Epicondyle of humerus
    • Base of 2nd 3rd metacarpals
    • wrist flexion, radial deviation
    • Median Nerve
  35. Flexor Digitorum Profundus
    • Anterior Ulna
    • distal phalanx of digits 2-5
    • flexes all 3 jts of fingers
    • Median and ulnar nerve
  36. Extensor Indicis
    • Posterior Ulna
    • Base of distal phalanx of 2nd digit ia extensor hood
    • extends all 3 jts of 2nd finger MCP, PIP, DIP
    • Radial Nerve
  37. Extensor digiti Minimi
    • Lateral Epicondyle of humerus
    • Base of distal Phalanx 5th digit via etensor hood
    • Extends all 3 jts of 5th digit
    • Radial Nerve
  38. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
    • Medial Epicondyle, Radius, Ulna
    • middle phalanx 2-5
    • flexes MCP and PIP jts
    • Median Nerve
  39. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
    • Medial Epicondyle of Humerus
    • Pisiform and base 5th metacarpal
    • Wrist flexion, ulnar deviation
    • Ulnar nerve
  40. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
    • Lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • Base 5th metacarpal
    • wrist extension, ulnar deviation
    • Radial Nerve
  41. Palmar Interossei
    • 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Metacarpal
    • base of proximal phalanx
    • Add of finger at MCP jt
    • Ulnar nerve
  42. Dorsal Interossei
    • Two adjacent Metacarpals
    • Base proximal phalanx
    • ABduction of finger at MCP jt.
    • Ulnar nerve
  43. Flexor digiti minimi
    • Hamate and flexor retinaculum
    • Base proximal phalanx of 5th finger
    • Flexes CMC and MCP of 5th finger
    • Ulnar nerve
  44. Palmaris Longus
    • Medial Epicondyle of humerus
    • Palmar fascia
    • Assist wrist flexion
    • Median Nerve
  45. ABductor Pollicis Longus
    • Posterior radius/ Ulna, interosseous membrane
    • Base 5th metacarpal
    • ABducts thumb
    • Radial Nerve
Card Set
UE Muscles Cont'd
Orgin, insertion, action, innervation of muscles