Intraperitoneal organs
- stomach
- duodenum (part 1)
- jejnum
- ileum
- cecum
- appendix
- transverse colon
- liver
- gallbladder
- spleen
Retroperitoneal organs
- duodenum
- ascending colon
- descending colon
- pancreas
- kidneys
- aorta
Mesentery proper
- suspends small intestines from posterior abdominal wall
- double layer of peritoneum
- contains arteries, veins, lymphatics, and nerves
- suspends large intestines from posterior abdominal wall
- double layer of peritoneum
- contains arteries, veins, lymphatics, and nerves
Greater omentum
Greater curvature of stomach to transverse colon
Lesser omentum
- liver down to lesser curvature of the stomach
- contains portal triad vessels
Falciform ligament
connects liver to anterior abdominal wall
- herniation of the inner layer of large intestinal walls
- creates little pockets that foods gets stuck in
Chrohn's disease
- idiopathic inflammatory bowl disease, usually involves small intestines and colon
- diarrhea, fever, malabsorption
- 4 lobes
- R and L halves by falciform ligament
- ligamentum teres/round ligament - remnants of fetal umbilical vein
Portal triad
- Three vessels: common bile duct (bile from gallbladder or liver to small intestines); hepatic artery (bring oxygenate blood to liver); hepatic vein (brings nutrient rich blood from liver to heart)
- stores glycogen, iron, and vitamins
- produces plasma proteins and clotting factors
- metabolises toxins
- modifies hormones
- phagocytosis of foreign materials from intestines
Cirrhosis of liver
- irreversible
- fibrotic tissues and nodules in liver that disrupt internal architecture - disrupt blood flow --> portal HTN --> varices of portal vein, ascites (fluid in abdomen), caput medusae, enlarged spleen
- symptoms include neurological symptoms due to inability to filter toxins
- due to ETOH and viral hepatitis