Masculine words end in a ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Feminine words end in a ?, ?, ?, ?
- Masculine: consonant, -l, -i, -ă, -u.
- Feminine: -ă, -e, -a, -i
1. -consonant (masculine singular)
a. Added after the consonant is a (?).
b. Any s, in the last syllable, changes to an (?)
c. If ending consonant is a t, it changes into a (?)
d. Român (Romanian man) becomes what?
e. Poliţist (police officer) becomes what?
f. Student becomes what?
- a. (i)
- b. (ş)
- c. (ţ) This also applies to any t(vowel).
- d. Români (men)
- e. Poliţişti (officers)
- f. Studenţi
1. -al, -el or -il (masculine singulars)
a. The l is replaced with an (?).
b. Copil (child) becomes what?
- a. (i)
- b. Copii (children)
1. -i (masculine singular)
a. If ending with an i, do what?
b. Ochi (eye) becomes what?
- a. Leave as is.
- b. Ochi (eyes)
1. -ă (masculine singular)
a. The ă, is replace with an (?)
b. If final consonant is a t, it changes into a (?)
c. Tată (father) becomes what?
- a. (i)
- b. (ţ) (This applies to any t(vowel).
- c. Taţi (fathers)
1. -u (masculine singular)
a. The u, is replace with an (?)
b. Metru (meter) becomes what?
Om (Man) becomes what?
Oameni (Men)