Medical Terminology

  1. Tissue
    Cells grouped together to perform a specialized function are known as a tissue.
  2. Organs
    Tissues arranged together to perform a special function are known as an organ.
  3. System
    Organs that together to perform the many functions of the body as a whole are called a system.
  4. Cell membrane
    A semipermeable barrier that allows certain substances to pass through while blocking others.
  5. Chromosomes
    Threadlike structures that control the functions of growth, repair, and reproduction for the body. *DNA
  6. Genes
    Chromosomes contain segments called genes that transmit hereditary chracteristics.
  7. Cytoplasm
    Surrounding the nucleus of the cell is the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is a gel-like stubstance containing cell organs called organelles.
  8. Mitochondria
    Organelles that provide the energy needed by the cell to carry on its essential functions.
  9. Lysosomes
    organelles that contain various enzymes.
  10. Anaplasia
    A change in the structure and orientation of cells, chracterized by a loss of differentiation and reversion to a more primitive form.
  11. Aplasia
    A developmental failure reading resulting in the absence of any organ or tissue.
  12. Dysplasia
    Any abnormal development of tissues or organs.
  13. -plasia
    Formation or growth.
  14. Epithelial tissue
    Covers the internal and external organs of the body. Also lines the vessels, body cavities, glands, and body organs. *Heals the fastest.
  15. Midsagittal Plane
    If you were physically able to divide the body straight down the middle into equal halves this would be the midsagittal plane.
  16. Frontal Plane
    Vertical plane passing through the head and feet, and divides it into front and back.
  17. Transverse Plane
    Any of the planes cutting across the body into superior and inferior portions.
  18. Right hypochondriac region
    Upper right section of the abdomen. Right lob of the liver and gallbladder.
  19. Epigastric Region
    Located between the right and left hypochondriac regions. Right and left lobes of the liver and a major portion of the stomach.
  20. Left Hypochondriac region
    Upper left of the abdomen. Small protion of the stomach and large intestine.
  21. Right Lumbar Region
    Middle Right section of the abdomen. large and small intestines.
  22. Umbilical Region
    Middle section of the abdomen. Transverese colon and portions of the small intestine.
  23. Left Lumbar regions
    Located in the middle left section of the abdomen. Small intestines and colon.
  24. Right inguinal Region
    Lower right section of the abdomen. Small intestines and cecum
  25. Hypogastric Region
    Located in the lower middle section of the abdomen. Bladder, small intestines, and appendix.
  26. Left Inguinal Region
    Lower left section of the abdomen. Portions of the colon and the small intestine.
  27. Ventral Cavity
    Front or bely side of the body. This is subdivided into the thoracic, abdominal, and the pelvic cavity.
  28. Dorsal Cavity
    Contains the organs of the back side of the body is subdivided into the cranial cavity and spinal cavity.
  29. Cervical Vertebrae
  30. Thoracic vertebrae
  31. Lumbar Vetebrae
  32. Proximal
    Nearest point of attachment.
  33. Distal
    Farthest from point of attachment.
  34. Lateral
    Away from the median.
  35. Medial
    Toward the median
  36. Supination
    A movement that allows the palms of the hands to turn upward or forward.
  37. Pronation
    A movement that allows the palms of the hands to turn downward and backward.
  38. Plantar
    Pertaining to the sole of the foot.
  39. Dorsum
    Pertaining to the back or posterior side of a part. In the foot its the top of the foot.
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Medical Terminology
Chapter 4