World Religions Islam

  1. Allah
    –contraction of the Arabic term “al ilah” which means “the God”

    • –used by Muslims and Arabic speaking Christians and Jews to
    • refer to God
  2. Arafat
    –Plain where the Talbiyah is recited

    –9th day of the Hajj, climax
  3. Abu Bakr
    • –Sunnis regard him as Muhammad’s first rightful successor/
    • Caliph

    –Senior disciple
  4. Abu Talib
    –Muhammad’s uncle and guardian, who never became a Muslim.
  5. Al-Hudabiyyah
    • –Site of the treaty made
    • between Meccans and Muslims in 628 CE.

    –Muslims would not invade

    • –Meccans would allow Muslims to come
    • once a year
  6. Al Mahdi
    • –Future figure who will prepare
    • the way for Jesus’ return prior to the resurrection.

    –Unknown figure for Sunnis

    –Hidden Imam named Muhammad Al Mahdi for Shi’ites
  7. Caliphs
    –successors to Muhammad

    • –not considered prophets, but
    • political leaders.
  8. •Dhu-l-hijjah:
    • –Last month of the Islamic
    • calendar year.

    –The month of the Hajj.
  9. Du’a
    • –Personal prayer in addition to
    • Salat

    • –Similar to LDS idea of
    • personal prayer
  10. Hadith
    • – traditions concerning the
    • sayings or actions of Muhammad.
  11. Hajj
    • –the pilgrimage to Mecca, which
    • is to be made once in a person’s lifetime if financially and physically
    • possible;

    –one of the five pillars
  12. Hijra
    • –Muhammad's emigration from
    • Mecca to Yathrib in 622 CE (Night Migration)

    • –marks the beginning of the
    • Muslim Calendar
  13. Ihram
    • –two white cotton cloths worn
    • by male Muslims on their pilgrimage to Mecca. Symbolic of the state of purity
    • that all pilgrims assume while on the Hajj.
  14. Imam
    • –Prayer leader in all forms of
    • Islam.

    • –One of the 12 Shi’ite leaders with both political
    • and religious authority.
  15. Islam
    • –“submission” or surrender to
    • God.
  16. Jihad
    • –literally meaning “striving” or “struggling” to serve god
    • and the umma.

    –sometimes involves armed struggle against outside aggression
  17. Jinn
    • –in Arabic legend, a spirit often capable of assuming human
    • or animal form with supernatural power (genie)

    • Good or bad (legends also
    • contain angels and ghouls
  18. Ka’bah
    • – The black draped cubicle structure in Mecca which contains
    • the black stone and which according to legend was built by Abraham and his son
    • Ishmael
  19. Khadijah
    –the first wife of Muhammad.

    –First person to covert to Islam, very supportive
  20. Marwah
    • –One of two small hills (the other=al Safa) located in Mecca, between
    • which Muslims walk rapidly back and forth seven times during the Haji. (Sa’y)
  21. Mecca
    –most scared place of Islam

    –birthplace of Muhammad

    –location of the Ka’bah
  22. Medina
    –Shortened from “Madinat Al-Nabi” meaning “city of the prophet”

    –second holiest site in Islam.

    • –Formerly Yathrib, to which Muhammad fled in
    • 622 CE and ruled, establishing many basic institutions of Islam.

    Muhammad was buried here
  23. Mihrab
    • –in a mosque, a niche or decorative panel designating the
    • direction of the Ka’bah.
  24. Mina
    • –Site half way between Mecca and Arafat where various
    • ceremonies take place during the Hajj.
  25. Minaret
    –tower on a mosque from which the call to prayer is given
  26. Mosque
    –means “place of prostration” for the ritual prayers.

    • –center for Islamic communal life where prayers are held,
    • religious education conducted, and charitable service provided
  27. Muezzin
    –individual who gives call to prayer
  28. Muslim
    • – a person who practices Islam, means literally “one who
    • submits to God”
  29. Night Journey
    • Journey in 620 CE when Muhammad was flown
    • on a winged from Mecca to Jerusalem and then taken into the presence of God.
  30. Night migration
    Escape from Mecca to Yathrib in 622.
  31. Night of power
    • Night of Muhammad’s call when Gabriel
    • appeared to him
  32. Qur’an
    – means recitation” or “reading”

    • – holy book of Islam, which is the mind and will of Allah
    • delivered to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel.
  33. Quraysh
    –the dominant tribe of Mecca

    • –It was both the tribe to which Muhammad belonged and his
    • chief antagonist in the Muslim-Quraysh
    • Wars
  34. Safa’
    • Al Safa and Al Marwa are two small hills located in Mecca, between which Muslims
    • walk rapidly back and forth seven times during the Hajj. (Sa’y
  35. Salat (Salah
    –prayers said five items a day

    –One of the five pillars
  36. Sawm Ramada
    –Fast during the month of Ramadan (daylight hours)

    –Time of introspection, seeking forgiveness, almsgiving

    –The 27th day of Ramada is the Night of Power

    –One of the pillars of Islam
  37. Sa’y
    • ritual walking quickly back and forth
    • between the hills Marwah and Safa’ commemorating Hagar’s frantic search for
    • water
  38. Shahada
    • –the Muslim’s confession of faith: “there is no God but God
    • and Muhammad is his messenger”

    –first of the five pillars
  39. Shari’a
    –the all inclusive legal code of Islam
  40. Shi’ites
    • –Muslims who believe that leadership of the community should
    • have passed to Muhammad's son in law Ali and should be hereditary.
  41. Sufis
    • –Mystic group who try to recapture Muhammad’s experience of
    • oneness with deity.

    –Some become ascetic.

    –Spinning in rituals— “whirling dervishes”

    –Among Sunnis and Shi’ites
  42. Sunnis
    • –the majority sect of Islam who believe Abu Bakr was the rightful successor to
    • Muhammad because he was the senior disciple. They reject the Shi’ite claim that lineage determines
    • a person’s right to lead the umma
  43. Talbiyah
    –Recitation on the plain of Arafat

    • •"Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am
    • at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine
    • alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine
    • alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners."

    –The climax of the Hajj
  44. Umma
    –the world wide community of Muslims
  45. Yathrib
    • –Original name of the city to which the prophet moved in 622
    • CE and which is now called Medina.
  46. Zakat
    • – the practice of giving 2.5 percent of one’s accumulated
    • wealth to support the umma, embodiment of the principle
    • of charitable giving

    –one of the five pillars
  47. Zamzam
    • –Well near the Ka’bah
    • in Mecca which appeared in response to Hagar and Ishmael’s need for water.
Card Set
World Religions Islam
Islam Vocabulary