Avoiding judgments of the person, no matter what the behavior.
What is acceptance?
General feelings or a frame of reference around which a person organizes knowledge about the world. Ex: hopeful, optimistic, positive, negative
What are attitudes?
Ideas that one holds to be true. Ex: All old people are heard of hearing.
What are beliefs?
Ability of the nurse to perceive the meanings and feelings of another person and communicate that understanding to that person. (putting yourself in another’s shoes)
What is empathy?
Truly paying attention to the client, caring about what he or she is saying; only possible when the nurse is comfortable with him/herself and aware of his/her strengths and limitations.
What is genuine interest?
Communication technique that indicates that the nurse has heard and followed the train of thought. Ex: “Yes” or “I followed what you said”.
What is accepting?
Technique used to help examine an issue more fully. Ex: “Tell me more about that.”
What is exploring?
Technique indicates that the nurse is listening and following what the client is saying without taking away the initiative for the interaction. Ex: “And then?”.
What are general leads?
Technique used when clients are unable to verbalize or make themselves understood. Ex: “You appear tense.”
What is making observations?
Technique which repeats what the client has said in approximately or nearly the same words that the client used. This restatement lets the client know that he or she communicated the idea effectively.
What is restating?
Technique that implies that only the nurse knows what is best for the client. Ex: “I think you should…” or “why don’t you”
What is advising?
Applying the belief that the nurse can prove unrealistic ideas. Ex: “If your dead, why is your heart beating?”
What is challenging?
Attempting to dispel the client’s anxiety by implying that there is not sufficient reason for concern, which completely devalues the client’s feelings. Ex: “Everything will be OK” or “I wouldn’t worry about that.”
What is reassuring?
Saying that what the client thinks or feels is “good” implies that the opposite is “bad.” Ex: “I’m glad that you were able to get dressed this morning.”
What is giving approval?
Social conversation contains many clichés and much meaningless chitchat. Such comments are of no value in the nurse-client relationship. Ex: “Just have a positive attitude and you’ll be better in no time.”
What is making stereotyped comments?
Component of a nurse-patient relationship that builds when the client is confident in the nurse and when the nurse’s presence conveys integrity and reliability.
What is trust?
When words and actions match.
What is congruence?
Shows unconditional, non judgmental attitude that implies respect for the person.
What is positive regard?
Revealing personal information such as biological information and personal ideas, thoughts, and feelings about oneself to clients. Helps the client feel more comfortable and gain insight.
What is self-disclosure?
Nurse uses themselves as a tool to establish the therapeutic relationship with clients and to help the clients grow, change, and heal.
What is therapeutic use of self?
Concentrating exclusively on what the client says, refraining from other internal mental activities.
What is active listening?
Nonverbal form of communication: gestures, postures, movements, and body positions.
What is body language?
Process that people use to exchange information.
What is communication?
All nonverbal messages that the speaker uses to give meaning and context to the message.
What is process?
Words that are as clear as possible when speaking to the client so that the client can understand the message; these are important for accurate information exchange.
What are concrete messages?