World Religions Judaism

  1. Aggadah

    –Some in Talmud, most in Midrash


  2. Ashkenazim
    • –those Jews who come from Europe, especially
    • eastern Europe
  3. Bar (Bat) Mitzvah,
    –“Son/Daughter of the commandment”

    • –Rite of passage, in which one reads from the
    • Torah

    • –Boys age 13, girls age 12 (no bat mitzvah in
    • orthodox groups)
  4. Conservative Jews
    –Halfway between orthodox and assimilated
  5. Gemara
    –Part of the Talmud

    • – Commentary by later rabbis on issues raised in
    • the Mishnah

    Palestinian and Babylonian.
  6. Halachah

    –Part of oral torah
  7. Hanukkah
    • –the festival of lights which celebrates the
    • Jewish victory over the Hellenization program of Antiochus IV
  8. Hasidim
    – Group of Ultra-Orthodox Jews

    –Mystical Rabbis

    –Long forelocks
  9. Kippah
    –Small head covering worn by men.

  10. Kosher
    – “fit”

    –food which Jews are permitted to eat

    No pork, no mixing milk and meat, etc.
  11. Messiah
    –The anticipated savior of the Jews. Means “anointed one.”

  12. Mezuzah

    • –first two paragraphs of the Shema,
    • placed in a small box affixed to the door post
  13. Midrash

    –Written form of the Aggadah.
  14. Mikveh
    –ritual bath in running water

    –used by priests or orthodox women
  15. Minyan
    • – ten males (orthodox) or males and females
    • (conservative or reform) required for certain prayers
  16. Mishnah
    • – the written compilation of what had been oral Halachah
    • (law). Discussions of the early rabbis.

    –It was set down in written from about 200 ce.
  17. Mitnagdim
    –Group of Ultra-Orthodox

    –opponents of the Hasidim
  18. Moses
    • – the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of
    • Egypt and delivered the Law during their years of wandering in the wilderness.
  19. Orthodox Jews
    • –Groups
    • that live strictly by all the jewish commandments

  20. Orthodoxy
    • –Adherence
    • to correct beliefs and doctrines.

  21. Orthopraxy
    adherence to correct actions or practices.

    • –More
    • important in Judaism than orthodoxy

  22. Passover
    • –spring
    • festival celebrating the deliverance from Egypt

    • –Feast
    • of tabernacles

  23. Pogrom
    • –organized
    • riots which resulted in the murder of Jews and the pillaging of their homes and
    • possessions

  24. Purim
    • –spring
    • festival celebrating the deliverance of the Jews in the days of queen Esther

  25. Rabbi
    –“my master”

    –an authorized teacher

  26. Reformed Jews
    –Consider most of the Jewish laws irrelevant to the modern world.

  27. Rosh Hashanah,
    • –festival
    • celebrating the new year

  28. Sabbath
    • –The
    • holy day of rest and reflection observed each Saturday

  29. Seder
    – the order of the ritual of the Passover meal

  30. Sephardim
    –Jews who have come from Spain or Arab lands

  31. Shema
    • –literally “hear”; the name for Israel’s
    • fundamental confession of faith found in Deuteronomy 6:4

  32. Shofar
    • – the ram’s horn sounded 100 times on Rosh
    • Hashanah and again to end Yom Kippur

  33. Succoth
    • –the feast of the tabernacles, commemorating
    • divine protection of Israel during her wanderings in the wilderness

  34. Synagogue
    • – a Jewish house of worship, often having
    • facilities for religious instruction

  35. Tallit
    –prayer shawl

  36. Talmud
    • –the Mishnah plus the Gemara; the foundational writings of the Orthodox
    • Jewish life

  37. Tanak
    • – the made up name for the Jewish bible (the
    • Christian old testament) based on its three parts – Torah, Nevi’im
    • and Ketuvim

  38. Tefillin
    • –two leather boxes which are worn on the arm and
    • on the forehead at weekday morning prayers

  39. Torah
    – the Penteteuch. Or the first five books of the Tanak

  40. Yom Kippur
    –the day of atonement
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World Religions Judaism
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