8th Grade Civil War Quiz 2

  1. What percentage of Southerners owned slaves?
    About 25%
  2. What percentage of Southern slave owners had more than 50 slaves?
  3. Which of the following were a part of the North's battle strategy?
    - Capture Richmond
    - Destroy morale and public support by burning crops and homes
    - Blockade Southern ports
    - Capture the Mississippi and divide the South in half
    • - Capture Richmond
    • - Blockade Southern ports
    • - Capture the Mississippi and divide the South in half
  4. Why did the Emancipation Proclamation not immediately free all slaves?
    Because the South had already seceded, it did not recognize Lincoln as its president. Therefore, his proclamation was not binding on them. It would only free Southern slaves if the North conquered the states that they lived in.
  5. Which of the following are true of the Emancipation Proclamation?
    - Lincoln issued it to shorten the war and gain support from non-slave nations
    - It freed all slaves in American territory
    - It was issued after the attle at Antietam
    - It ensured that England would not support the South
    • - Lincoln issued it to shorten the war and gain support from non-slave nations
    • - It was issued after the attle at Antietam
    • - It ensured that England would not support the South
  6. Which side did Sherman fight for?
    The North
  7. Which side did General Lee fight for?
    The South
  8. Which side did Jackson fight for?
    The South
  9. Which side did Johnston fight for?
    The South
  10. Which side did Ulysses S. Grant fight for?
    The North
  11. Which side did General McClellan fight for?
    The North
  12. What side did Burnside fight for?
    The North
  13. Which side did Pickett fight for?
    The South
  14. Which side did Halleck fight for?
    The North
  15. What happened at the Battle of Seven Pines?
    Lee took command of the northern Virginia army.
  16. Lee's compaign to take over Maryland was stopped at the battle of:
  17. At the peace talks held at Hampton Road, Lincoln offered peace on which the following conditions:
    - reunion of the states
    - emancipation of the slaves
    - slave right to vote
    - reimbursement for slaves that were freed
    • - reunion of the states
    • - emancipation of the slaves
  18. What was the last Confederate offensive?
    The Battle of Gettysburg
  19. What was the name of the South's ironclad?
    The Merrimack
  20. Which battle cut communication with the South?
    The Battle of Petersburg
  21. Which battle gained control of the Mississippi River
    The Battle of Vicksburg
  22. Who led the Northern forces in the West?
    General Grant
  23. Which battle was waged as an attempt to capture Maryland?
    The Battle of Antietam
  24. In which battle was "Stonewall Jackson" killed?
    The Battle of Chancellorsville
  25. Who was the commander of the north Virginia army?
    General Lee
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8th Grade Civil War Quiz 2
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