observerved the effects of brain damage in animals
paul broca
observed the effects of brain damage on the mental abilities and behaviors of people
hermann von helmholtz
furthered the science by developing methods of measuring responces
william wundt
is credited with funding psychology as a scientific discipline, creating the first psychological laboratory, and teaching the fist course in physiological psychology
the analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind
the study of the pupose mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their enviroment
natural selection
charles darwin's theory that the features of an organism that help it survive and reproduce are more likely than other features to be passed in subsequent generations
g.stanley hall
helped organize psychology in america withthe formation of the first profesional laboratory,journal, and professional organizations in the field
a temporay loss of cognitive or motor functions usually as a result of emotionally upsetting expirences
the part of the mind that operates outside of conscious awarencess but influences conscious thoughts feelings and actions
sensory input from the enviroment
reaction time
the amount of time taken to respond to a specific stimulus
the subjective obsevation of ones own experience
edward titchener
brought structuralism to america, setting up a psychlogy laboratoy at cornell university
our private inner expirences of perceptions memories and feelings
obsevable actions of human beings and nonhuman animals
the philosophical view that certain kinds of knowlegde are innate or inborn
philosophical empiricism
theh philosophical view that all knowledge is acquired through expirence
a now defunct theory that specific mental abilities and charecteristic ranging from the memory to the capacity for the hapiness are localized in spcific regions to the brain
the study of biological processes especially in the human body
psychoanalytic theory
sigmound freuds approach to understanding human behaviour that emphasizes the importance of unconscience mental processes in shaping feelings thoughts and behaviors
a therapuetic approach that focuses on bringing unconscious material into conscious awarness to better undertand psychological disorders
humanistic psychology
an approach to understanding human nature that emphisizes the positive potential of human beings
an approach that advocates that psychologist restrict themselves to scientific study of objectively observable behavior
an action or physiological change elicited by a stimulis
the consequnces of a behavior that determin whether it will be more likely that the behaviorwill occur again
errors of perception memory or judgment in which subjective expirence differs from objective reality