1. Replacing an unacceptable wish with a course of action that is similar to the wish, but does not conflict with the person's value system. This is a mature mechanism of defense. This is _________.
  2. The voluntary withholding of a feeling from conscious awareness (when you choose not to think about something until you actually have to face it). This is a mature defense mechanism. This is _____________.
  3. The Schizophrenic drug that causes tardive dyskinesia as a side effect is ___________
    Haloperidol (Recently released to the market)
  4. Therapeutic Level of Lithium
    • 1.0 mmoles/l (A level above this range is toxic. )
  5. Which of the following types of cells are most vulnerable to the effects of radiation?
  6. 'out of body experience' but still has 'a grip on reality.
    • Depersonalization disorder
    • along with Macropsia or micropsia
  7. Somatization disorder usually presents with many symptoms; undifferentiated somatoform disorder usually presents with how many symptoms?

    • somatization- manyzation
    • somatoform- oneform
  8. Which medication would be an appropriate adjunctive treatment for the patient’s bulimia nervosa while she continues to undergo CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)?
  9. supression vs. repression
    Suppression is the voluntary withholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness.

    Repression is the involuntary exclusion of painful memories from awareness. The person is not aware that they are repressing it.
  10. Which of the following childhood psychiatric disorders corresponds with the clinical picture of cyclic expansiveness, aggressiveness and impulsivity?
  11. Stereotypical hand flapping
  12. Either single or multiple vocal and/or motor tics.
    Many times during a day.
    At least 4 weeks.
    No longer than twelve months
    Transient tic disorder
  13. Multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics. At least 1 year. No tic-free period greater than 3 months.
  14. cant pee in public restroom
    social phobia
  15. single approach is most likely to have the greatest impact to quit smoking?
    Prescribe medication for smoking cessation
  16. -undermining their efforts to succeed
    -destroying good relationships
    -tendency to see people as either bad or good
    -multiple attention-seeking suicidal gestures
    -minor self-inflicted wounds
    -psychotic symptoms
    -feelings of depersonalization or derealization
    -sexual conflicts
    -mood disturbance

    Borderline Personality Disorder
  17. Extremely rare. Persaon cannot recall any events from his/her life.
    Generalized amnesia
  18. Dissociative amnesia (localized or selective): after a traumatic or stressful event that cannot be attributed to forgetfulness.
    Localized amnesia: can last for several hours to a couple of days. The selective pattern presents with the inability to recall all events, but certain memories stay intact.
    Continuous: failure to recall any event after the date of the traumatic event.
    Systematized: disturbance in memory of topics pertaining to
    a certain person, place, or event.
  19. Typically occurs suddenly during periods of anxiety where the individual feels that they are no longer in contact with their body or surroundings. They typically describe the episode as an out of body experience or feeling of living in a dream-like state, and many may feel that they are going crazy but maintain a grip on reality.
    Depersonalization disorder (DPD)
  20. Somatization disorder usually presents with many symptoms; undifferentiated somatoform disorder usually presents with a single symptom.
  21. almost all old ppl are depressed
  22. he correct answer is fluoxetine (Prozac) 60mg daily. While CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is considered to be the first line treatment for bulimia nervosa, antidepressant medications have been shown to be helpful.
  23. ___________ is a destructive reaction redirected at a target other than the direct cause of the emotion
  24. ________ requires the presence of mild depression and hypomania, separately or intermixed, continuously or intermittently over at least a 2-year period. It usually begins in the 20s and forms a chronic disabling
    Cyclothymic disorder
  25. Patients with the _________ feel depressed, have difficulty falling asleep, and characteristically feel best in the morning. Symptoms must have been present at least intermittently for 2 or more years. It is similar to but less severe than a major depressive disorder. This disorder usually develops in the
    20s and 30s.
    dysthymic disorder
  26. is the involuntary exclusion of painful memories from awareness. The person is not aware that they are repressing it.
  27. What is displacement?
    Displacement is aprocess by which avoided ideas and feelings are transferred from an unacceptable person to an acceptable person. In this case he probably resented his boss and wanted to voice that to his boss but instead he displaces it onto his wife who is an acceptable person to vent his feelings onto.
  28. Como se la diferencia entre dysthymic and MDD?
    Dysthymic disorder is diagnosed when a patient presents with chronic depression for at least 2 years in duration that has not been severe enough to be major depressive disorder. The patient must present with two of the following symptoms: increased or decreased appetite, increased or decreased sleep,low energy, low self-esteem, poor concentration or decision-making ability, and hopelessness.

    Major depressive disorder is characterized by a more severe depression for at least 2 weeks
  29. Patient is reluctant to try an antidepressant for fear of becoming a drug addict. How should the physician respond?
    reassure her that antidepressants are not drugs of abuse because of oral administration, lack of immediate reward, and lack of tendency to cause tolerance
  30. Antidote for INH (Isoniazid) overdose induzed seizure.
    Isoniazid (INH) (tuberculosis prophylaxis). An overdose of INH can result in decreased GABA levels, causing cerebral excitability and seizures. Seizures in acute INH overdose are frequently refractory to standard anticonvulsants. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), administered on a gram for gram basis with the amount of INH ingested, is usually needed for seizure control.
  31. _________ intoxication is characterized by behavioral
    changes that include euphoria followed by apathy, shortened attention span and memory dysfunction, psychomotor agitation or retardation and poor judgment. Physiological changes that may present include slurred speech, drowsiness and pupillary constriction.
  32. ___________ intoxication is characterized by disinhibition, aggressive behavior, anxiety, panic, rage and impaired judgment. Physiological changes can include hyperthermia, elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, hyperacusis, nystagmus, diminished pain responsiveness, dysarthria and seizures.
    PCP (Phencyclidine)
  33. __________ intoxication is characterized by disinhibition, mood lability and impaired judgment. Physiological symptoms may include slurred speech, poor coordination, nystagmus, impaired memory and coma.
  34. _________ intoxication is characterized by behavioral changes that include euphoria, hypervigilance and paranoia, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety and poor judgment. There are also possible physiological changes that include pupillary dilation, tachycardia or bradycardia, elevated or lowered blood pressure, psychomotor agitation, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures and diaphoresis.
  35. ______ intoxication is characterized by behavioral changes that include apathy, assaultiveness and impaired judgment. Physiological changes include nystagmus, slurred speech, psychomotor retardation and movement abnormalities such as incoordination, depressed reflexes, ataxic gait and tremor. Mood presentation can range from euphoria to
  36. Sex OCDs appear to respond best to which medication?
    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil).
  37. Stage when you dream?
    • Stage 5
  38. What is the best biomarker of exposure to environmental tobacco exposure?
    Cotinine is metabolized from nicotine within a few hours. It can be measured in saliva, blood, or urine. With a long half-life, cotinine measures exposure during the proceeding few days.
  39. Schizophreniform disorder...
    • Schizophreniform disorder has symptoms in common with schizophrenia:delusions (unrealistic beliefs, e.g., grandeur, persecution)hallucinations (unrealistic sensations or perceptions)disorganized speech disorganized or catatonic behaviornegative symptoms (flattened affect, alogia, avolition)The primary difference between the 2 is duration: Schizophreniform disorder is diagnosed when psychotic signs have been present less than 6 months. Consequently, it is often designated as a "provisional" diagnosis.
  40. This client is experiencing an inflated sense of self, believes that he has special abilities, will only associate with those of "high status," and believes that he deserves special recognition. These symptoms are all characteristic of which personality disorder?
    narcissistic personality disorder
  41. ________ personality characteristics
    include: being lifelong loners, restricted emotional range, unsociable behavior, appearing cold, seclusive, enjoy few activities, and usually do not marry or have romantic relationships. They often daydream and
    carry an unusual attachment to animals, but not people. They are unaffected by praise or criticism and have no interest in sexual behavior.
  42. ________ personality characteristics include: unstable
    impulse control, early adult life instability in interpersonal
    relationships, frantic attempts to prevent abandonment, identity disturbance, self damaging behavior, self mutilating behavior, severe reactivity to moods, chronic feelings of being no good, and anger and paranoid behavior which may last for short or long periods of time.
  43. ______ personality characteristics include: behavior that is influenced by magical thinking, telepathy, aliens, unusual perceptions or bodily delusions, odd behavior and appearance, extreme anxiety in social situations, and affect that is blunted or inappropriate to the topic at hand.
  44. cofee ground emesis
    upper gi bleed
  45. The most effective antidepressant therapy is
    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
  46. what is the most probable age of fatal child abuse?
  47. What to use for alcohol detox?
  48. Alcohol abusers are commonly deficient in _____?
    • IM Thiamine
    • (prevent nervous system sequelae)
  49. ______ is usually the first line of treatment for mood stabilization.
  50. Lithium side effects:
    nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tremor, and hyperreflexia, polyuria, tremors, seizures, and coma, rashes, drowsiness, blurred vision, diarrhea, polyuria, polydipsea, and a metallic taste.
  51. Lithium should not be used in patients with:
    • poor renal function
    • or cardiovascular disease
  52. Antisocial personality disorder cannot be applied to a paient of what age?
    younger than 18y/o
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