Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition?
- Many buyers & many sellers
- Diferentiated products
- Easy entry/exit of firms
- Price Seekers
Characteristics of an Oliogopoly?
- Many buyers & few large sellers
- No easy entry ino business
- Both differentiated and homogeneous goods
- Price Seekers
- EP > 0 in long run
Product Differentiation
Process of creating real or apparent differences between goods and services
Non-price Competition
Advertising, packaging, product development, better quality, and better services
Mutual Interdependence
Action by one firm may cause a reaction on the part of other firms
Price Leadership
Occurs when a dominant firm in an industry raises or lowers its prices, and other firms follow suit
Formal agreement among firms to set prices and output quotas
Imperfect Competition
A market structure between the extremes of perfect competition and monopoly
Kinked Demand Curve
Faces an oligopolist that assumes rivals will match a price decrease, but ignores a price increase
Can an oliogopolist earn EP in the long-run?
Yes, as long as there are only a few firms producing that product or service