Spinal Cord Injury

  1. Spinal Cord Injury: Primary
    hyperflexion: head suddenly & forcefully moved forward ie: car accident, diving accident

    hyperextension: head suddenly forward then backward ie: whiplash, diving, jumping

    axial loading: vertical compression ie: blow to top of head

    excessive rotation: turned head too far

    penetration by object ie: knife, bullet
  2. Spinal Cord Injury: Secondary Injury
    worsens primary injury

    • hemorrhage
    • ischemia
    • hypovolemia
    • neurogenic shock
  3. Anterior Cord Syndrome
    • damage to anterior cord
    • motor function and pain & temp sensation lost below injury
    • touch, position & vibration sensation intact
  4. Posterior Cord Syndrome
    • damage to posterior cord
    • vibration, touch & position sensation lost
    • motor function, pain & temp sensation intact
  5. Brown-Sequard Syndrome
    • from penetrating injuries
    • motor function, proprioception, vibration & deep touch sensations lost on same side of body
  6. Spinal Cord Injury Assessment
    • Trauma is leading cause
    • how injured
    • location of injury
    • changes resulting from injury
    • ABC's
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Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury