Medical Term.

  1. acromion
    • "tip of the shoulder"
    • -lateral end of the scapula, extening over the shoulder joing
  2. acromi/o-clavicul-ar
    • acromion-clavicle-pertaining to
    • - the joint between the acromion and the clavicle
  3. ambulat-ory
    • walking-pertaining to
    • - surgery of any other care provided without and overnight stay in a medical facility
  4. articul-ate
    • joint-composed of
    • - two separate bones have formed a joint
  5. articul-ation
    • joint-process
    • - a joint
  6. clavicle
    • "collarbone"
    • - curved bone that forms the anterior part of the perctoral girdle
  7. clavicul-ar
    clavicle-pertaining to
  8. dis-locat-ion
    • apart-place-action
    • - completely out of joint
  9. humerus
    • "shoulder"
    • - single bone of the upper arm
  10. insert-ion
    • put together- action
    • -attachment of a muscle to a more movable part of the skeleton, distinct from the origin
  11. muscul/o-skelet-al
    - muscles and skeleton functioning as an organized whole
  12. origin
    • "source of"
    • - fixed source of a muscle at its attachment to the bone
  13. pector-al girdle
    • chest-pertaining to encircle
    • - incomplete bony ring that attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton
  14. rotat-or cuff
    • rotate-one who does band
    • - part of the capsule of the shoulder joint
  15. scapula
    "shoulder blade"
  16. sub-luxat-ion
    • slight-dislocate-action
    • - an incomplete dislocation when some contact between the joint surfaces remain
  17. bi-ceps brachi/i
    • two-head -of the arm
    • - a muscle of the arm that has two heads of points of origin on the scapula
  18. brachi/o-alis
    • arm-pertaining to
    • - muscle that lies underneath the biceps and is the strongest flexor of the forearm
  19. brachi/o-radi--alis
    • arm-radius-pertaining to
    • - muscle that helps flex the forearm
  20. delt-oid
    • triangle- resembling
    • - large, fan-shaped muscle connecting the scapula and clavicle to the humerus
  21. latiss-imus dorsi
    • wide-most of the back
    • - the widest muscle in the back
  22. radius
    • "spoke of the wheel"
    • - the forearm bone on the thumb side
  23. tri-ceps brachi/i
    • three-head of the arm
    • - muscle of the arm that has three heads or point of origin
  24. ulna
    • "elbow, arm"
    • - medial, larger bone of the forearm
  25. arthr-itis
    • joint-inflammation
  26. carpus
    • "wrist"
    • - eight carpal bones of the wrist
  27. meta-carp-al
    • after-wrist bones-pertaining to
    • -five bones between the carpus and the fingers
  28. Colles fracture
    fracture of the distal radius at the wrist
  29. cyst
    • "fluid-filled sac"
    • -an abnormal, fluid-containing sac
  30. dorsal
    back part of any body surface
  31. ventral
    front part of any body surface
  32. ganglion
    • "swelling"
    • - fluid-containing swelling attached to the synovial sheath of a tendon
  33. Heberden node
    bony lump on the terminal phalanx of the fingers is osteoarthritis
  34. meta-carp/o-phalang/e-al
    • after-bones of the wrist- phalanx- pertaining to
    • - joints between the metacarpal bones and the phalanges
  35. oste/o-arthr-itis
    • bone-joint-inflammation
    • -chronic, inflammatory disease of joints
  36. phalanx
    • "bone of finger or toe"
    • - phalanges
  37. rheumat-ism
    • a flow-condition
    • - pain in various parts of the musculoskeletal system
  38. stenosis
    • "narrowing"
    • - narrowing of a passage
  39. ten/o-synov-itis
    • tendon-synovial membrane-inflammation
    • - inflammation of both a tendon and its synovial sheath
  40. thenar eminence
    • palm stand out
    • - the fleshy mass at the base of the thumb
  41. hypo-thenar eminence
    • below-thumb stick out
    • - fleshy mass at the base of the little finger
  42. acetabulum
    • "vinegar cup"
    • - the cup-shaped cavity of the hip bone that recieves the head of the femur to form the hip joint
  43. arthr/o-desis
    • joint-to fuse together
    • - fixation of stiffening of a joint by surgery
  44. brace
    "to fasten"
  45. diastasis
    • "separation"
    • -separation of normally jointed parts
  46. femur
  47. ilium
    • "groin"
    • - large wing-shaped bone at the upper and posterior part of the pelvis
  48. pelvis
    • "base"
    • - basin-shaped ring of bones, ligaments and muscles at the base of the spine
    • -also, and basin-shaped cavity, like the pelvis of the kidney
  49. ischium
    • "hip"
    • - lower and posterior part of the hip bone
    • - ischia
  50. pubis
    • "pubis"
    • - alternative name for the pelvic bone
  51. radi/o-logy
    • radiation-study of
    • - study of medical imaging (x-rays, MRI, etc)
  52. sacr/o-ili-ac
    • sacrum-ilium-pertaining to
    • - joint between the sacrum and the ilium
  53. symphysis
    • "grow together"
    • - two bones jointed by fibrocartilage, ex. two pelvic bones
  54. SI
  55. ab-duct-or
    • away from-to lead- thing that does
    • - muscles that move the thigh away from the midline
  56. ad-duct-ion
    • toward-to lead-action
    • - action of moving toward the midline
  57. gluteus
    • "buttocks"
    • - three muscles in the buttocks
  58. maximus
    • "biggest, or the greatest"
    • - largest muscle in the body, covering a large part of each buttocks
  59. medius
    • "middle"
    • - partly covered by the gluteus maximus
  60. minimus
    • "smallest"
    • - lies under the medius
  61. prosthesis
    • "addition"
    • - an artificial part to remedy a defect in the body
  62. co-llater-al
    • together-side-pertaining to
    • - situated at the side, often to bypass an obstruction
  63. cruciate
    • "cross"
    • - shaped like a cross, internal ligaments of the knee joint
  64. fibula
    • "clasp or buckle"
    • - smaller of the two bones of the lower leg
  65. meniscus
    • "crescent"
    • - disc of cartilage between the bones of a joint ex. the knee
  66. patella
    • "small plate"
    • - thin, circular bone in front of the knee joint, embedded in the patellar tendon
  67. poplit/e-al fossa
    • ham, back of the knee-pertaining to ditch
    • - the hollow at the back of the knee
  68. quadri-ceps femor-is
    • four-head femur-belonging to
    • - an anterior thigh muscle with four heads
  69. tibia
    • "large shinbone"
    • - the larger gone of the lower leg
  70. ACL
    anterior cruciate ligament
  71. PCL
    posterior cruciate ligament
  72. arthr/o-centesis
    • joint-puncture
    • - aspiration of fluid from a joint
  73. bursa
    • "purse"
    • - a closed sac containing synovial fluid
  74. de-bride-ment
    • removal- rubbish-action
    • - removal of injured or necrotic tissue
  75. hyper-flex-ion
  76. menisc-ectomy
    meniscus-surgical excision
  77. rupture
    • "break, fracture"
    • - break or tear of any organ or body part
  78. bunion
    • "bump"
    • - a swelling at the base of the big toe
  79. calcaneus
    • "heel"
    • - bone of the tarsus that forms the heel
  80. calcaneal tendon
    - Achilles Tendon
  81. fascia
    • "a band"
    • -fasciitis
    • - sheet of fibrous connective tissue
  82. gastrocnem-ius
    • calf of the leg-pertaining to
  83. hallux valgus
    • big toe - turn out
    • - deviation of the big toe toward the lateral side of the foot
  84. meta-tars-us
    • after-ankle- pertaining to
    • - five parallel bones of the foot between the tarsus and the phalanges
  85. Pott fracture
    fracture of the lower end of the fibula, often with fracture of the tibial malleolus
  86. sprain
    -tear in a ligament
  87. strain
    • "to bind"
    • - overstretch or tear in a muscle or tendon
  88. talus
    • "heel bone"
    • - articulates with the tibia to form the ankle joint
  89. circum-duct-ion
    • around-to lead-action
    • - movement of an extremity ina circular motion
  90. eversion
    • "overturn"
    • - turning outward
  91. inversion
    • "to turn about"
    • - turning inward
  92. pronat-ion
    • bend down-action
  93. prone
    • "lying down"
    • - lying down flat on your belly
  94. supinat-ion
    bend backward- action
  95. supine
    • "bend backward"
    • -lying face up
Card Set
Medical Term.
Ch. 9