Human resources management (HRM)
The management of people in organizations through formulating and implementing human resources management systems that are aligned with organizational strategy in order to produce the workforce competencies and behaviours required to achieve the organization's strategic goals.
Human capital
The knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of an organization's workforce.
Balanced scorecard
A measurement system that translates an organization's strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures.
The practice of contracting outside vendors to handle specified functions on a permanent basis.
The company's plan for how it will balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage.
Environmental scanning
Identifying and analyzing external opportunities and threats that may be crucial to the organization's success.
Employee engagement
The emotional and intellectual involvement of employees in their work.
Organizational culture
The core values, beliefs and assumptions that are widely shared by members of an organization.
Organizational climate
The prevailing atmosphere that exists in an organization and its impact on employees.
Providing workers with the skills and authority to make decisions that would traditionally be made by managers.
Boundaryless organizational structure
A structure in which relationships (typically joint ventures) are formed with customers, suppliers, and/or competitors, to pool resources for mutual benefit or encourage cooperation in an uncertain environment.
The ratio of an organization's outputs to its inputs.
Primary sector
Agriculture, fishing and trapping, forestry and mining.
Secondary sector
Manufacturing and construction.
Tertiary or service sector
Public administration, personal and business services, finance, trade, public utilities, and transportation/communications.
Contingent employees
Workers who do not have regular full-time or part-time employment status.
The characteristics of the workforce, which include age, sex, marital status, and education level.
Any attribute that humans are likely to use to tell themselves, "that person is different from me," and thus includes such factors as race, gender, age, values, and cultural norms.
Baby boomers
Individuals born between 1946 and 1965.
Sandwich Generation
Individuals with responsibility for rearing young dependents as as for assisting elderly relatives who are no longer capacble of functioning totally independently.
Generation X
Individuals born between 1966 and 1980.
Generation Y
Individuals born since 1980.
The tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.
Scientific management
The process of "scientifically" analyzing manufacturing processes, reducing production costs, and compensating employees basedon their performance levels.
Human relations movement
A management philosophy based on the belief that attitudes and feelings of workers are important and deserve more attention.
Human resources movement
A management philosophy focusing on concern for people and productivity.
Recognition for maving met certain professional standards.
Social responsibility
The implied, enforced, or felt obligation of managers, acting in their official capacities, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves.