copying the DNA sequence into the messenger RNA
phenotypic characteristics are passed across generations without being specifically selected for or against (ie. blood pressure, heart dimensions and metabolism)
how resources are divided between life history traits
biological process of degeneration which adversely affects vitality and function and leads to an increased risk of death
genes have multiple effects
those that allowed an individual to extract more resources from a restricted environment and/or store them; but now that we have longer lifespans, they end up leading to disease
the study of the relationships between functions and components of the body and body size
clearly delineated phases in development
month 2 to end of lactation; rapid growth; feeding b;y lactation; deciduous teeth eruption; developmental milestones in physiology, behaviour and cognition
3-7 years; moderate growth rate; dependency for feeding; mid-growth spurt; eruption of first permanent molar and incisor; cessation of brain growth
7-10 (girls) or 7-12 (boys); slower growth rate; independent feeding; learning of economic and social skills
at end of juvenile stage; increase in sex hormone secretion; reactivation of central nervous system mechanism for sexual development
5-8 years following puberty; growth spurt in weight and height; permanent tooth eruption completes; development of secondary sexual characteristics completes; socio-sexual maturation; practice in adult social, economic and sexual activities
20 years to end of child-bearing; homeostasis is physiology, behaviour and cognition, menopause for women by 50
the end of the ability to bear children for women
slowing down of the rate of development
the timing of the appearance of a feature is altered in relation to others
a prolongation of time for the development of a feature leading to its relative magnification
mRNA is decoded by the ribosome to produce a specific amino acid chain that will fold into an active protein
the entirety of an organism’s hereditary information
a parent’s pair of alleles split and only one is passed on to the child
alleles from both parents unite in random pairs; the dominant allele dictates how the traits are expressed in the phenotype
a metaphor for biological development where cell fates are determined and narrowed in development much like a marble rolls down to the lowest local elevation
environmental stressors that act as blocks against expressions of genetic variation: force the organism to choose one certain path to increase fitness
the constellation of key characteristics including the patterns of growth, development, reproduction and mortality which define progress through life
balancing between life history traits such as age vs size at maturity number vs quality of offspring current vs future reproduction fecundity vs lifespan
when severe environmental influences disrupt development through interference with processes of gene expression, cell proliferation, or migration
immediately adaptive responses
responses which the organism must make to survive a developmental challenge
predictive adaptive responses
responses that are made for anticipated need or advantage later in the life course
behaviours that are advantageous are selected for and eventually become instinctual (heritable)
the actual reproductive rate of an individual
the age at death of a population
the ability to create offspring
the relative size of intervals of offspring production
causes of death from without (ie. predation)
related to how the body allocates its resources across biological functions
time passing - getting older
mammals in colder climates are bigger because they have less surface area relative to volume and therefore loss relatively less heat
mammals in colder climates have shorter limbs relative to the trunk to reduce the surface area
as the climate gets colder and drier, the nose gets narrower and more protuberant so it can warm and humidify the air before it reaches the lungs
a period of time from one phase of growth to the next generation’s same growth phase