
  1. aims of life
    • Kama – sexual pleasure
    • Artha – worldly success
    • Dharma – Family
    • Moksha– oneness with Brahman
  2. Major Yoga systems
    • Raja – Eight limbs and extremely difficult from PAtanjali
    • Karma – work and action
    • Jnana – reflection and knowledge
    • Bhakti – love and devotion (most popular and dualistic)
    • Hatha – yoga of the body (taught worldwide)
  3. brahman
    universal force
  4. atman
    individual soul
  5. Atman
    world soul of all living things
  6. Nirguna Brahman
    • pure Brahman without characteristics (Pantheism –
    • everything is God)
  7. Saguna Brahman
    dualistic view of Brahman with has a form
  8. karma
    what you sow is what you reap
  9. Castes
    • Brahmins – Hindu priests
    • Kshatriya – warriors, nobles, military, business execs, politicians
    • Vaishyas – artisans, farms and skilled workers
    • Shudra– unskilled workers
    • (dalits or untouchables) – unclean and shunned people
    • Jatis are subcastes based on jobs
  10. stages of life
    • Student – 8-12 years old, learn the Vedic literature and study
    • Householder – marriage and raising a family, most important stage
    • Withdrawal – turn inward to study for Moksha
    • Renunciation (Sannyasin) – deprived of worldly pleasures
  11. three major deities
    • Brahma – god of creation, reshapes world
    • Vishnu – god of loving preservation, watches over world, 10 earthly
    • incarnations called avatars, Vashnavism
    • Shiva – god of destruction, sexuality and regeneration, yoga
  12. Shiva
    • Destruction – no new life unless in place of old
    • Sexual regeneration – lingams (phallic symbols) representative of Shiva
    • Yoga – meditative and peaceful
    • Shaivism – similar to Vashnavism in that one god is creator, preserver
    • and destroyer
  13. shaktis
    female consorts or embodiments of the gods
  14. universe
    • eternal
    • for sport
    • living in maya - illusion
    • 7 layers of heaven
    • 28 layers of hell
  15. time cycles
    • 4 yugas
    • 1.7 1.3 865G 430g (current - Kali Yuga)
    • all that withing a Mahayuga
    • a day brahma=1 mahayuga
    • 1 year of brahma = 1.5 tril
    • 1 lifetime of brahma = 155 tril
    • reshaped after that
  16. human nature
    ego, psycho-physical organism, subconscious mind, personality. Diamond pure Atman
  17. rituals
    • 5 pujas
    • god, ancestors, holy men, animals, strangers
  18. holiest city and river and animal and festival
    • Banares (Varanasi)
    • River Ganges
    • cow
    • Kumbh Mela
  19. Vedas
    • Vedas - written in Sanskrit between 1200 and 500 bc
    • Rig-Veda, or Hymns of Praise
    • Sama-Veda, or Knowledge of Melodies
    • Yajur-Veda, or Sacrificial Formulas
    • Atharva-Veda, or Magical Formulas
  20. veda parts
    • Mantras (ritual chanting)
    • Brahmanas (rituals for priests)
    • Aranyakas (forest texts)
    • Upanishads (philosophical texts)
  21. puranas
    collection of indian myths explaining origins
  22. epics
    tales of interactions between gods and humans
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about hinduism