World Religion Baha'i

  1. Abdu’l-Baha
    (1843-1921) the third leader, son of Baha’u’llah
  2. Bab
    • Forerunner
    • of Baha’u’llah. Understood himself as
    • the hidden Imam returned. Named Siyyid
    • Ali-Muhammad
  3. Baha’i World Center
    Located in Haifa, Israel
  4. Baha’u’llah
    • –(1817-1892)
    • born Mirza Husayn-Ali. Second leader/writer; the main founder of the
    • faith
  5. Great Covenant
    • –Covenant
    • between God and humanity that he will send a Manifestation every 1000 years.
  6. Haifa
    • Location
    • of the Baha’I World
    • Center
  7. Lesser Covenant
    • Covenant
    • between a Manifestation and his followers
  8. Manifestations
    • Persons
    • sent every 1000 years to lead the human family to the next stage of development
  9. Mirza Husayn-Ali
    • main
    • founder of the faith; second writer (aka baha’u’llah),
  10. Ridvan
    • –The
    • island upon which Baha’u’llah announced to a few close followers that he was
    • the coming Manifestation. Also, a
    • festival from April 20-May 2nd commemorating
    • this event.
  11. Shoghi Effendi
    (1897-1957) the final leader of Bahai

    • –The
    • last writer.
  12. Siyyid Ali-Muhammad
    • –(1819-1850)
    • first writer of the holy writings, known as the “bab”, forerunner of Baha’u’llah
  13. Universal House of Justice
    • Composed
    • of 9 persons who head the Baha’I faith
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World Religion Baha'i
Baha'i vocabulary