Mental Health Nursing

  1. Signs and symptoms that together constitute a particular disorder or a condition that may be a focus of treatment
    Axis I
  2. Personality disorders and mental retardation
    Axis II
  3. Clinical disorders and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention
    Axis I
  4. The main personality disorders
    • 1. OCD
    • 2. Narcisstic
    • 3. Histrionic
    • 4. Paranoid
    • 5. Borderline
    • 6. Dependent
    • 7. Schizoid
    • 8. Anxious/Avoidant
    • 9. Schizotypal
    • 10. Antisocial
  5. 16 Major Categories of disorders
    • 1. Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence.
    • 2. Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders
    • 3. Mental disorders due to a general medical condition
    • 4. Substance-related disorders
    • 5. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
    • 6. Mood disorders
    • 7. Anxiety disorders
    • 8. Somatoform disorders
    • 9. Factitious disorders
    • 10. Sexual and gender identity disorders
    • 11. Sexual and gender identity disorders
    • 12. Eating disorders
    • 13. Sleep disorders
    • 14. Impulse control disorders not elsewhere classified
    • 15. Adjustment disorders
    • 16. Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention
  6. The clinician indicates any general medical conditions believed to be relevant to the mental disorder in question
    Axis III
  7. For reporting psychosocial and environmental problems that may affect the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of a mental disorder
    Axis IV
  8. Global assessment of Function, gives an indication of the person’s best level of psychological, social, and occupational functioning during the preceding year, rated on a scale of 1 to 100.
    Axis V
  9. What does the scale of 1 to 100 indicate?
    • 1 indicates persistent danger of severely hurting oneself or others
    • 100 indicates superior functioning in a variety of activities at the time of the evaluation, as well as highest level of functioning for at least a few months during the past year
Card Set
Mental Health Nursing
Chapter 1