BOIL 302 ex3 labs.txt

  1. Right lung has __ lobes
  2. left lung has __ lobes
  3. what are the 2 walls lining the lungs
    Visceral & parietal
  4. Which wall directly adheres to lung tissue
  5. What makes up the respiratory tract (4)
    Nares, oral cavity, nasal conchae, pharynx
  6. What is the common name for nares
  7. What does the upper respiratory tract do
    Warm and humidify air
  8. What are the 2 parts of the lower respiratory tract
    Conducting and respiratory portion
  9. What makes up the conduction portion of the upper respiratory (3 main)
    Larynx, trachea, primary bronchi
  10. What is the sequence of bronchi branching
    Primary, secondary, tertiary, bronchious, terminal
  11. What are the 3 parts of the respiratory portion of the upper respiratory
    Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli
  12. The respiratory portion is part of the __ respiratory tract
  13. Gas exchanges occurs in the ___ portion of the __ respiratory tract
    Respiratory, lower
  14. What are the 4 trends as you move from superficial to deep in lung tissue
    Height, cilia/goblet cells, elastic, cartilage
  15. What is the sequence of cartilage from superficial to deep
    Rings, plate, rods, none
  16. What are the 4 layers of the trachea
    Mucosa, submucosa, cartilage, adventitia
  17. The mucosa has ___ cells with ___
    Ciliated columnar, goblet cells
  18. The mucosa is the ___ layer
  19. The mucosa is made up of the ___ and ___
    Lamina propria, elastic layer
  20. The elastic layer is replaced by smooth muscle in the __ and __
    Bronchi and smaller bronchioles
  21. Bronchioles have ___ cells
  22. Alveoli have __ cells
  23. The submucosa contains __
  24. The cartilage is in forms of ___ and prevents the ___ of the airway
    c-shaped rings, collapse
  25. The adventitia is the __ layer of connective tissue
    Outer layer
  26. The bronchioles don�t have� (3)
    Cilia, cartilage, glands
  27. Where does smooth muscle begin to replace cartilage
    Mucosa of secondary bronchi
  28. What 4 layers does secondary bronchus have
    Mucosa, submucosa, cartilage, adventitia
  29. What are the 3 cell types of alveolus
    Type 1 (simple squamous epithelium), type 2 (septal), macrophages
  30. Which type of alveolus cell secretes surfactant
    Type 2
  31. What 2 connective tissue structures creates pull to keep alveoli from collapsing
    Elastic and reticular
  32. ___ prevent overexpansion of lungs
    alveolar pore
  33. name the path of oxygen from alveola to blood (8)
    surfactant.. type 1 cells.. basal lamina of alveolus.. basal lamina of capillary.. capillary endothelium.. blood plasma.. RBC membrane.. hgb
  34. most of the blood entering the lungs flows via ___
    Pulmonary arteries
  35. Blood in pulm arteries is oxygen ___
  36. Oxygen-rich blood arrives from the ___ via ___
    Aorta, bronchial arteries
  37. The oxygen-poor blood in pulm artery comes from ___ ventricle of the heart
  38. Pneumonia is when exudate fills the ___
  39. COPD is __
    Chronic obstructive pulm disease
  40. In ___, alveolar walls disintegrate, producing large air spaces that remained filled with air
  41. ___ is the progressive destruction of lung tissue by macrophages
  42. what is the disease abbreviated CWP
    coal workers pneumoconiosis
  43. gas exchange occurs in __ and __
    alveoli, respiratory bronchioles
  44. what is the name for the avg volume of a typical breath
    Tidal Volume (TV)
  45. What is the extra volume you can inhale beyond normal
    Inspiratory reserve (IRV)
  46. What is the amount of air that you can exhale forcefully after a normal exhalation
    Expiratory reserve (ERV)
  47. Residual volume (RV) is the volume of air ___ in lungs after a ___ exhalation
    Remaining, forced
  48. Which volume cannot be measured
  49. The inspiratory capacity (IC) is the __ + __
    TV + IRV
  50. What is the amount of gas that can be inhaled after a normal exhale
    Inspiratory capacity (IC)
  51. The functional residual capacity (FRC) is __ + __
    ERV + RV
  52. What is the amount of gas left after a normal exhale
    Functional residual capacity (FRC)
  53. The Vital capacity (VC) is the __ + __ + ___
    IRV + TV + ERV
  54. What is the max amount of gas that can be exhaled after a max inhalation
    Vital capacity (VC)
  55. What is the total amount of gas after a max inspiration
    Total lung capacity (TLC)
  56. What are the 2 categories of respiratory diseases
    Obstructive and restrictive
  57. What are some signs of obstructive lung disease
    Dec FEV, FEV/VC < 80%, dec MVV
  58. What is a sign of restrictive lung disease
    Dec TLC
  59. Bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema are __ lung diseases
  60. Edma and pneumonia are __ lung diseases
  61. What is the path of sperm into the egg (4)
    Corona radiata, zona pellucida, plasma membrane, cytoplasm
  62. In males, what are the 3 columns of erectile tissue
    Corpus covermosa (2 columns), corpus sponginosum, tunica albuginea
  63. Where is the site of spermatogenesis
    Seminiferous tubules
  64. The leydig cells are stimulated by __ and secrete ___
    LH, testosterone
  65. The __ cells provide the blood testes barrier
  66. What are the 3 hormones needed for spermatogenesis
    FSH, LH, testosterone
  67. Which hormone regulates the final maturation of sperm
  68. The __ and __ serve as sperm storage sites
    Epididymis and vas deferens
  69. What column does the male urethra pass through
    Corpus sponginosum
  70. what is another name for vas deferens
    ductus deferens
  71. what are 3 accessory glands in the male reproductive sys
    Seminal vesicles, prostate glands, bulbourethral glands
  72. What 3 things do the seminal vesicles do
    Inc semen, make nutrients, inc pH
  73. What 2 things does the prostatate gland do
    Make enzymes that inc sperm motility, dec pH
  74. What 2 things do the bulbourethral glands do
    Make a thick mucus for lubrication, inc pH
  75. What are the 4 layers of the ovary
    Germinal epithelium, tunica albuginea, cortex, medulla
  76. Where do follicles develop in the ovary
  77. The medulla of the ovaries contain __ and __
    Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
  78. Where does fertilizaton occur
    In the distal part of the uterine tubule
  79. Why is syngamy
    The fertilization of one sperm to one eg
  80. What are the 2 things that regulate syngamy
    Enzymes and depolarization
  81. What are the 2 layers of the oocyte
    Corona radiata and zona pellucida
  82. Spermatogonia, or immature cells, are haploid/diploid in the female
  83. Sperm are haploid/diploid
  84. A zygote is haploid/diploid
  85. What are the 3 stages of development after fertilization
    Zygote, morula, blastocyst
  86. What is a morula
  87. What is a blastocyst
    Structure that implants into endometrium
  88. What are the 2 parts of a blastocyst
    Tropoblast and inner cell mast
  89. When does the blastocyst implant into endometrium
    6th day
  90. what is the function of the accessory glands in males
    Increase semen volume
  91. Which male accessory gland makes the most impact
    Seminal vesicles
  92. What produces the hcg
  93. What are the 3 layers of the uterus
    Endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium
  94. Which uterine layer has the lamina propria
  95. Which cavities does the diaphragm separate
    Thoracic and abdominal
  96. The ureter and bladder are found in the __ cavity
  97. The heart is in the __ cavity
  98. The __ are in the pleural cavity
  99. The thoracic cavity contains the __, __, and __ cavities
    Pericardial, pleural, mediastinum
  100. The heart, lungs, thymus, trachea, pharynx are found in the __
  101. What are the 3 branches off the aorta in humans
    Brachiocephalic, l. common carotid, r. common carotid
  102. What are the 2 branches off the aorta in pigs
    Brachiocephalic, l. subclavian
  103. A ___ is the same size as the zygote, just denser
  104. The zygote is cleaved into smaller and smaller cells called ___
  105. Implantation occurs during the __ phase of the endometrium
  106. The open, funnel-like end of the uterine tube is the __
  107. The uterine tubes convey ovum to __
  108. In females, what is homologous to the male scrotum
    Labia majora
  109. In females, what is homologous to the penis
  110. What is the muscular wall of the uterus
Card Set
BOIL 302 ex3 labs.txt
labs 7, 8, 9, 10