Midterm 1

  1. Viderunt Omnes by Léonin: From what book does this piece come?
    Magnus Liber Organi
  2. Viderunt Omnes by Léonin: Define florid organum
    Made from syllabic/neumatic solo chant, no rhythm, many notes in upper voice for every note in tenor
  3. Viderunt Omnes by Léonin: Define discant polyphony
    Made from melismatic solo chant, has rhythm, note-against-note.
  4. Viderunt Omnes by Léonin: Name three ways that this piece is typical of the Notre Dame polyphony
    Florid organum and discant poluphone, much dionance and syncopation, written above original chant.
  5. Viderunt Omnes by Léonin: Give a day for it's composition
    1175, but it appeared in the Magnus Liber Organi in 1240
  6. Define Ars Nova
    • Time period: 1300-1370
    • A treatise written by Phillippe Vitry
  7. Define rondeau
    ABaAabAB, French, 1 of the 3 frome fixes. Machaut
  8. Define the Proper
    Part of the mass that changed daily Intro, Gradual, Alleluia, "sequence," offertory, communion. Léonin and Pérotin
  9. Define the Rhythmic Modes
    • System created by Léonin and Pérotin during Notre Dame school in Paris.
    • 1) Quarter-Eighth. 2) Eighth-Quarter. 3) Dotted Quarter-Eighth-Quarter. 4) Eighth-Quarter-Dotted Quarter. 5) Three Dotter Quarters. 6) Three Eighths
  10. Define Ballade
    French, in forme fixes, musical rhyme, aab, Philippus de Casetra, melismatic
  11. Define Canzo
    Trobadour song, fin'amor, Conterrs de Dia/Bernart de Ventadorn
  12. Define sequence
    Added later to litergy after the alleluia. Wipo of Burgundy
  13. Define isorhythm
    Long sections of repeated rhythm. Talea - Repeated rhythmic and mandatory for isorhythm. Color - repeated melodic patterns and is NOT mandatory for isorhythm.
  14. Name one piece and it's composer that we studied in class that uses isorhythm.
    • Vitry- In arboris/Tuba sacre fedei/rigor sum
    • or
    • Machaut- La messe de notre Dame: Kyrie
  15. Name two musical characteristics of Trouadours, Trobairitz, and/or Trouvere music
    About fin'amor, no rhythm, strophic, monophonis, French
  16. Where and when were the Troubadours and Trouveres active?
    • Troubadours: 1100-1215 in Southern France
    • Trouveres: 1180-1300 in Northern France
  17. Dorian
    • D
    • D-D
    • A
  18. Hypodorian
    • D
    • A-A
    • F
  19. Phrygian
    • E
    • E-E
    • C
  20. Hypophrygian
    • E
    • B-B
    • A
  21. Lydian
    • F
    • F-F
    • C
  22. Hypolydian
    • F
    • C-C
    • A
  23. Mixolydian
    • G
    • G-G
    • D
  24. Hypomixolydian
    • G
    • D-D
    • C
  25. Two books of the Mass
    Graduale and the Missle
  26. Two books of the office
    Antiphonale and the Breviary
  27. Three kinds of additions to the Liturgy
    Prosula, Melodia, and Trope
  28. Define Trope
    Addition of text and music
  29. Define Melodia
    Addition of music only
  30. Define Prosula
    Addition of text only
  31. What are the three styles of Italian secular music?
    Madrigal, Ballata, and the Caccia.
  32. Describe the Madrigal and provide an example
    Flourished thoughout the 14th C. Abb. No musical rhyme. The b section is called the ritarnello, it's in a different meter, and has a closed ending. Von al sue Amante by Jacopo de Bologna.
  33. Describe a Ballata and provide an example
    Flourished in the second half of the 14th C. AbbaA. THe be section has an open ending and then a closed ending. Written in Italian. Melismatic. Non Avrà Ma' Pietà by Fransesco Landini.
  34. Describe a Caccia and provide an example
    No official form. Two parts. The b section is called a ritanello. A strict canon. Melismatic. Flourished 1325-1375. Tosto Che L'alba by Gherardello de Firenze.
Card Set
Midterm 1
Music History 330 test notes