Encephalitis Info
- inflammation of the brain and meninges
- affects crebrus, brainstem & cerebellum
- usually caused by viral agent
- mild to severe
- mild= flu like symptoms/plenty of rest and pain reliever
- severe = headache, sudden fever, drowsiness, vomiting, seizures, confusion
- life threatening/learning disabilities, epilepsy, memory deficits
- starts out as a viral infection somewhere else in the body and travels to the brain via blood
- transmitted by mosquitos and ticks
Encephalitis Assessment
- high fever
- motor dysfunction
- N/V
- photophobia
- stiff neck
- fatigue
- changes in mental status
- assess with Glascow Coma Scale
- increased ICP
- assess cranial nerves
- vitals for: widened pulse pressure, bradycardia, irregular respirations
Encephalitis Interventions
- protect from mosquitos
- maintain airway
- support body
- HOB 30 degrees
- tracheal suctioning
- vitals every 2 hours
- room dark & quiet
Encephalitis Drug Therapy