Mental Health Nursing

  1. Autonomy (Must know!!!)
    Respecting the rights of others to make their own decisions
  2. Beneficence
    The duty to acct to benefit or promote the good of others
  3. Justice
    The duty to distribute resources or care equally, regardless of personal attributes
  4. Fidelity
    Maintaining loyalty and commitment to the patient and doing no wrong to the patient
  5. Veracity (Must know!!!)
    One’s duty to communicate truthfully
  6. Assault
    An intentional threat designed to make the victim fearful; produces reasonable apprehension of harm
  7. Battery
    The harmful or offensive touching of another person
  8. Bioethics
    The study of specific ethical questions that arise in health care
  9. Civil rights
    The rights of personal liberty guaranteed under two U.S. constitutional amendments
  10. Competency
    The capacity to understand the consequences of one’s decisions
  11. Conditional release
    A release from an impatient psychiatric facility that is contingent upon outpatient commitment
  12. Confidentiality
    The ethical responsibility of a health care professional that prohibits the disclosure of privileged information without the patient’s informed consent
  13. Duty to protect
    Ethical and legal obligations of health care workers to protect patients from physically harming themselves or others
  14. Duty to warn
    On obligation that may result in the breach of confidentiality on the part of the health care worker to warn third parties when they may be in danger from a patient
  15. Ethical dilemma
    A situation in which there is a conflict between two or more courses of action, each carrying favorable and unfavorable consequences
  16. Least restrictive alternative doctrine
    Mandates that the least restrictive and least disruptive means be used to achieve a specific purpose
  17. Long-term involuntary admission
    Used for extended care and treatment of those with mental illness. Commitments are obtained through medical certification, judicial hearings, or administrative action
  18. Malpractice
    An act or omission to act that breaches the duty of care and result in or is responsible for a person’s injuries
  19. Negligence
    An act, or failure to act, that breaches the duty of due care and results in or is responsible for another person’s injuries
  20. Right to privacy
    The legal expectation of privacy concerning the sharing medical information
  21. Right to refuse treatment
    The right to reject forced treatment. This right takes into consideration the person’s right for autonomy, and beneficence
  22. Right to treatment
    The right to expect appropriate and adequate treatment
  23. Temporary admission
    Admitting patient with acute psychiatric symptoms on an emergency basis upon written order of a primary care provider for a limited amount of time
  24. Tort
    The civil wrong for which money damages may be obtained by the injured party from the wrongdoer
  25. Unconditional release
    Termination of a patient-institutional relationship
  26. Unintentional torts
    Unintended acts against another person that produce injury or harm
  27. Voluntary admission
    Inpatient care sought by the patient or the patient’s guardian through a written application to the facility
  28. Writ of habeas corpus
    A “formal written order” to “free the person”
Card Set
Mental Health Nursing
Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Safe Practice