Mental Health Nursing

  1. Acculturation
    Adapting to the beliefs, values, and practices of a new cultural setting
  2. Assimilation
    The incorporation of new ideas, objects, and experiences into the framework of one’s thoughts
  3. Cultural competence
    The nurse’s act of adjusting his or her practices to meet the patient’s cultural beliefs, practices, needs, and preferences
  4. Culture
    The total lifestyle of a given people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his or her group, or the environment that is the creation of humankind
  5. Culture-bound syndromes
    Sets of signs and symptoms common in a limited number of cultures but virtually nonexistent in most other cultural groups
  6. Eastern tradition
    • Family is the basis for one’s identity
    • Family interdependence and group decision making are the norm
    • Body-mind-spirit are seen as a single entity
    • There is no sense of separation between a physical illness and a psychological one
    • Time is seen as circular and recurring, such as the belief in reincarnation
    • One is born to unchangeable fate
  7. Enculturation
    The process in which a culture’s world view, beliefs, values, and practices are transmitted to its members
  8. Ethnicity
    The common heritage and history shared by a specific ethnic group
  9. Ethnocentrism
    The universal tendency of humans to think their way of thinking and behaving is the only correct and natural way
  10. Ethnopharmacology
    A relatively new field of medicine that investigates the genetic and ethnic variations in drug pharmacokinetics
  11. Indigenous Culture
    The people and culture that have inhabited a country for thousands of years
  12. Minority Status
    Economic and social standing in society rather than cultural identity
  13. Race
    A group of humans within the population that share common heritable characteristics such as color of skin, eyes and hair
  14. Refugee
    An immigrant who has left his or her native country to escape intolerable conditions and would have preferred to stay in the original culture
  15. Somatization
    The expression of psychological stress through physical symptoms
  16. Stereotyping
    The assumption that all people in a similar cultural, racial, or ethnic group think and act alike
  17. Western Tradition
    • One’s identity is found in one’s individuality, which inspires the valuing of autonomy, independence, and self-reliance
    • Mind and body are seen as two separate entities, so different practitioners treat disorders of the body and the mind
    • Disease is considered to have a specific, measurable, and observable cause
    • Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause
    • Time is seen as linear, always moving forward and waiting for no one
  18. Worldview
    A system for thinking about how the world works and how people should behave in it and in relationships with one another
Card Set
Mental Health Nursing
Cultural Implications for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing