Canine bone

  1. Image Upload 2
    2-16 Atlas - Caudodorsal.
    3,4,5,7,8,9,10 ??
    • 3: Wing of atlas
    • 4: Dorsal tubercle
    • 5: Ventral tubercle
    • 7: Caudal articular facet
    • 8: Alar foramen
    • 9: Lateral vertebral foramen
    • 10: Transverse foramen
  2. Image Upload 4
    2-20 Axis - Lateral Left
    1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 ??
    • 1: Spinous process
    • 2: Odontoid process (Dens)
    • 3: Apex of dens
    • 4: Cranial articular process
    • 5: Caudal articular process
    • 7: Caudal vertebral notch
    • 8: Transverse process
    • 9: Transverse foramen
  3. Image Upload 6
    2-27 5th cervical Vb - Cranial
    1,2,3,4,8,9,15 ??
    • Cervical vertebra - 5th
    • 1: Spinous process
    • 2: Cranial articular process
    • 3: Caudal articular process
    • 4: Vertebral Head
    • 8: Transverse foramen
    • 9: Vertebral foramen
    • 15: Transverse process
  4. Image Upload 8
    2-32 5th thoracic Vb - Caudolateral(Left)
    • 1: Spinous process
    • 3: Caudal articular process
    • 5: Caudal vertebral notch
    • 6: Transverse process
    • 7: Mammillary process
    • 8: Transverse costal facet
    • 9: Cranial costal fovea
    • 10: Caudal costal fovea
    • 11: Vertebral head
    • 12: Vertebral fossa
    • 13: Vertebral body
  5. Image Upload 10
    2-34 13th thoracic Vb - Lateral Left
    1,3,9,8,11,12,13,15,16 ??
    • 1: Spinous process
    • 3: Caudal articular process
    • 9: Cranial costal fovea
    • 8: Transverse costal facet
    • 11: Vertebral head
    • 12: Vertebral fossa
    • 13: Vertebral body
    • 15: Mammilloarticular process
    • 16: Accessory process
  6. Image Upload 12
    2-39 3rd Lb - Lateral Left
    • 1: Spinous process
    • 2: Mammilloarticular process
    • 3: Caudal articular process
    • 4: Accessory process
    • 5: Vertebral foramen
    • 6: Transverse process
    • 7: Vertebral head
    • 8: Vertebral body
    • 9: Vertebral fossa
  7. Image Upload 14
    2-44 Sscrum - Craniodorsal Left
    • 1: Spinous process
    • 2: Cranial articular process
    • 3: Lateral part
    • 4: Sacral canal
    • 5: Wing of sacrum
    • 6: Caudal articular process
    • 7: Auricular surface
    • 8: Dorsal sacral foramina
    • 9: Vertebral head
  8. Image Upload 16
    2-120 Mandible - Craniolateral(Left)
    • a: Body of mandible
    • b: Ramus of mandible
    • 7: Angle of mandible
    • 8': Head of mandible
    • 8": Neck of mandible
    • 8: Condylar process
    • 9: Coronoid process
    • 11: Mandibular foramen
    • 12: Masseteric fossa
    • 13: Mandibular notch
  9. Image Upload 18
    2-131 Left scapula - Lateral
    • 1: Spine of scapula
    • 2: Acromion
    • 3: Supraspinous fossa
    • 4: Infraspinous fossa
    • 8: Neck of scapula
    • 8': Scapular notch
    • 9: Glenoid cavity
    • 10: Supraglenoid tubercle
    • 12: Proximal border
    • 13: Scapular cartilage
    • 17: Cranial border
    • 18: Caudal border
    • 20: Infraglenoid tubercle
  10. Image Upload 20
    2-135 Scapula - Ventro-ridge
    • 1: Spine of scapula
    • 2: Acromion
    • 6: Subscapular fossa
    • 9: Glenoid cavity
    • 11: Coracoid process
  11. Image Upload 22
    2-139 Left Humerus - Craniolateral
    • 1: Head of humerus
    • 2: Neck of humerus
    • 3: Greater tubercle
    • 11: Face for infraspinatus m.
    • 13: Brachial groove
    • 14: Deltoid tuberosity
    • 15: Tricipital line
    • 20: Lateral epicondyle
    • 21: Lateral supracondylar crest
    • 22: Olecranon fossa
    • 23: Radial fossa
    • 24: Supratrochlear foramen
    • 26: Crest of greater tubercle
    • 28: Capitulum of humerus
  12. Image Upload 24
    2-140 Left Humerus - Medial
    • 1: Head of humerus
    • 3: Greater tubercle
    • 6: Lesser tubercle
    • 10: Intertubercular groove
    • 12: Body of humerus
    • 17: Teres major tuberosity
    • 18: Trochlea of humerus
    • 19: Medial epicondyle
    • 23: Radial fossa
    • 26: Crest of greater tubercle
    • 27: Crest of lesser tubercle
    • 28: Capitulum of humerus
  13. Image Upload 26
    2-149 Left Radius - Craniomedial
    • 4: Head of radius
    • 5: Capitular depression of radius
    • 6: Articular circumference
    • 7: Neck of radius
    • 8: Radial tuberosity
    • 9: body of radius
    • 10: Carpal articular surface
    • 11: Medial tyloid process
    • 13: Ulnar notch
  14. Image Upload 28
    2-150 Left Ulna - Craniolateral
    • 14: Olecranon
    • 14': Tuber of olecranon
    • 15: Anconeal process
    • 16: Trochlear notch
    • 17: Coronoid process (Medial and lateral)
    • 18: Radial notch
    • 19: Body of ulna
    • 20: Styloid process
    • 22: Articular surface of Articular circumference-radius and Distal part of ulna
  15. Image Upload 30
    2-160 Left forelimb - Dorsal
    • 5: Body of radius
    • 6: Body of ulna
    • R+I: Intermedioradial carpal bone
    • U: Ulnar carpal bone
    • A: Accessory carpal bone
    • 1,2,3,4: Carpal bone
    • 9,10,11,12,13: Metacarpal bone
    • 14: Proximal phalanx
    • 15: Middle phalanx
    • 16: Distal phalanx
  16. Image Upload 32
    2-177 Right sesamoid of digits - dorsal
    14: Dorsal sesamoid bone
  17. Image Upload 34
    2-179 hip bone - Dorsal
    • 10: Iliac crest
    • 11: Coxal tuber
    • 12: Sacral tuber
    • 13: Gluteal surface
    • 28: Cranial dorsal iliac spine
    • 29: Caudal dorsal iliac spine
    • 14: Acetabulum
    • 15: Ischiatic spine
    • 17: Lesser ischiatic notch
    • 18: Ischial tuberosity
    • 16: Greater ischiatic notch
    • 19: Iliopubic eminence
    • 24: Obturator foramen
    • 5: Cranial ramus of pubis
    • 6: Caudal ramus of pubis
    • 7: Ramus of ischium
    • 20: Pecten of pubis
    • 21: Pubic symphysis
    • 22: Ischial symphysis
    • 23: Ischial arch
    • 2: Body of pubis
    • 3: Body of ischium
    • 8: Ischial table
    • 4: Wing of ilium, Gluteal surface
    • a: Ilium
    • b: Pubis
    • c: Ischium
  18. Image Upload 36
    2-184 Acetabulum Lateral
    • a: Ilium
    • b: Pubis
    • c: Ischium
    • 25: Major part of Lunate surface
    • 26: Acetabular fossa
    • 27: Acetabular notch
  19. Image Upload 38
    2-192 pelvis - Dorsolateral(Left)
    • a: Ilium
    • b: Pubis
    • c: Ischium
    • d: Sacrum
  20. Image Upload 40
    2-197 Left femur - Craniolateral
    • 1: Head of femur
    • 3: Neck of femur
    • 4: Greater trochanter
    • 23: Intertrochanteric crest
    • 9: Body of femur
    • 13': Lateral supracondylar tuberosity
    • 20: Lateral epicondyle
    • 22: Popliteal fossa
    • 21: Extensor fossa
    • 18: Groove of femoral trochlea
    • 17: Femoral trochlea
  21. Image Upload 42
    2-198 Left femur - Caudal
    • 1: Head of femur
    • 2: Fovea of head
    • 3: Neck of femur
    • 4: Greater trochanter
    • 5: Intertrochanteric crest
    • 6: Trochanteric fossa
    • 7: Third trochanter
    • 8: Lesser trochanter
    • 12: Lateral lip
    • 11: Medial lip
    • 10: Rough surface
    • 13': Lateral supracondylar tuerosity
    • 13": Medial supracondylar tuerosity
    • 19: Medial epicondyle
    • 15: Intercondylar fossa
    • 14: Medial condyle
    • 16: Lateral condyle
  22. Image Upload 44
    2-210 Left patella - cranial
    • 26: Cranial surface of patella
    • 28: Base of patella
    • 29: Apex of patella
  23. Image Upload 46
    2-206 Tibia&fibula - Craniolateral
    • a: Tibia
    • b: Fibula
    • c: Crural interosseous space
    • 2: Medial condyle
    • 5: Medial intercondylar eminence
    • 6: Lateral intercondylar eminence
    • 3: Lateral condyle
    • 20: Head of fibula
    • 4: Extensor groove
    • 12: Tibial tuberosity
    • 11: Cranial border
    • 21: Body of fibula
    • 10: body of tibia
    • 17: Tibial cochlea
    • 18: Medial malleolus
    • 23: Articular facet for malleolus
    • 24: Lateral malleolus of fibula
  24. Image Upload 48
    2-226 Left tarsal bone - Dorsal
    • T: Talus
    • F: Calcaneus
    • C: Central tarsal bone (Navicular bone)
    • 1,2,3,4: Tarsal bone
    • 5,6,7,8: Metatarsal bone
  25. Image Upload 50
    2-228 Left hind limb - Dorsolateral
    • 13: Tibia
    • 14: Fibula
    • T: Talus
    • F: Calcaneus
    • C: Central tarsal bone (Navicular bone)
    • 1,2,3,4: Tarsal bone
    • 5,6,7,8: Metatarsal bone
    • 12: sesamoid bone
    • 9: Proximal phalanx
    • 10: Middle phalanx
    • 11: Distal phalanx
Card Set
Canine bone
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