1. Maneuvering Speed (VA) (300)
    184 KIAS
  2. Maneuvering Speed (VA) (ER)
    182 KIAS
  3. Max Flap Extension / Extended (VFE) (ER & 300)
    • Approach: 202 KIAS
    • Full Down: 158 KIAS
  4. Max Landing Gear Operating Speed (VLO) (300)
    • Extension: 184 KIAS
    • Retraction: 166 KIAS
  5. Max Landing Gear Operating Speed (VLO) (ER)
    • Extension: 182 KIAS
    • Retraction: 164 KIAS
  6. Air Min Control Speed (VMCA) (300)
    • Flaps Up: 94 KIAS
    • Flaps Down: 93 KIAS
  7. Air Min Control Speed (VMCA) (ER)
    • Flaps Up: 101 KIAS
    • Flaps Down: 98 KIAS
  8. Max Operating Speed (VMO) (300)
    • To 21,000': 263 KIAS
    • Above 21,000': .58 Mach
  9. Max Operating Speed (VMO) (ER)
    • To 24,000': 245 KIAS
    • Above 24,000': .58 Mach
  10. Two Engine Best Rate of Climb (VY) (300)
    140 KIAS
  11. Two Engine Best Rate of Climb (VY) (ER)
    135 KIAS
  12. Turbulent Air Penetration
    170 KIAS
  13. Max Airspeed for Effective Windshield Anti-Icing
    226 KIAS
  14. Min Airspeed for Sustained Flight in Icing
    140 KIAS
  15. Intentional One-Engine Inop Speed (VSSE) (300)
    110 KIAS
  16. Intentional One-Engine Inop Speed (VSSE) (ER)
    135 KIAS
  17. One-Engine Inop Best Angle of Climb (VXSE) (300)
    125 KIAS
  18. One-Engine Inop Best Rate of Climb (VYSE) (300)
    125 KIAS
  19. One-Engine Inop Best Angle of Climb (VXSE) (ER)
    135 KIAS
  20. One-Engine Inop Best Rate of Climb (VYSE) (ER)
    135 KIAS
  21. Emergency Descent (300)
    184 KIAS
  22. Emergency Descent (ER)
    182 KIAS
  23. Max Range Glide
    135 KIAS
  24. Torque Limits: Takeoff
  25. Torque Limits: Max Continuous
  26. Torque Limits: Transient
    156% for 20sec
  27. Inadvertent torque excursions up to ___% are limited to ___.
    102% ; 7minutes
  28. ITT Limits: Starting
    1000oC for 5sec
  29. ITT Limits: Idle
  30. ITT Limits: Takeoff
  31. ITT Limits: Max Continuous
  32. ITT Limits: Transient
    850oC for 20sec
  33. ITT Limits: Cruise / Climb
  34. ITT Limits: Max Reverse
  35. N1% Limits: Takeoff
    104% N1
  36. N1% Limits: Max Continuous
    104% N1
  37. N1% Limits: Cruise / Climb
    104% N1
  38. N1% Limits: Max Cruise
    104% N1
  39. N1% Limits: Transient
    104% N1
  40. N1% Limits: Idle
    62% N1 (min)
  41. N2 Limits: Idle
    1050 min RPM
  42. N2 Limits: Takeoff
    1700 RPM
  43. N2 Limits: Max Continuous
    1700 RPM
  44. N2 Limits: Cruise / Climb
    1700 RPM
  45. N2 Limits: Max Cruise
    1700 RPM
  46. N2 Limits: Max Reverse
    1650 RPM
  47. N2 Limits: Transient
    1870 RPM for 20sec
  48. Inadvertent propeller excursions up to ____ are time limited to ___.
    1735 RPM ; 7 minutes
  49. Sustained prop overspeeds faster than ____ indicate failure of the primary governor. Flight may be continued at propeller overspeeds up to ___, provided torque is limited to ___. Sustained propeller overspeeds faster than ___ indicate failure of both the primary governor and the secondary governor and such overspeeds are not approved.
    1700 RPM ; 1768 RPM ; 96% ; 1768 RPM
  50. Autofeather must be operable for:
    All Flights
  51. Autofeather must be armed for:
    Takeoff - Climb - Approach - Landing
  52. Oil Px Limits: Starting
    0-200 psi
  53. Oil Px Limits: Idle
    60 psi (min)
  54. Oil Px Limits: Normal (T/O, Max Cont, Cruise/Climb, Max Cruise, Max Reverse)
    90-135 PSI
  55. Oil Px Limits: Transient
    200 psi
  56. Undesireable Oil Px Limits
    <90 PSI
  57. Under emergency conditions oil px permitted:
    60 PSI with reduced power of 62% Torque
  58. Unsafe oil px requiring shutdown or min power to land:
    <60 PSI
  59. Acceptable oil fluctuations:
    +/- 10 PSI
  60. Oil Temp Limits: Normal (& Idle)
    -40 thru 110oC
  61. Oil Temp Limits: Starting
    -40oC (min)
  62. Oil Temp Limits: T/O, Max Cont, Cruise/Climb, Max Cruise, Transient
    0 thru 110oC
  63. Oil Temp Limits: Max Reverse
    0 thru 99oC
  64. External Power Carts: ____ v
    Sustained: ____ amps
    Momentary: ____ amps
    • 28-28.4 Volts
    • 300 Amps
    • 1000 Amps
  65. Starter Limits:
    • 30 sec On 5 min Off
    • 30 sec On 5 min Off
    • 30 sec On 30 min Off
  66. Total Useable Fuel
    3611 lbs
  67. Total Useable Fuel (ER)
    5192 lbs
  68. Max Allowable Fuel Imabalance
    300 lbs
  69. Don't take off if fuel gages each read less than:
    265 lbs
  70. Don't put any fuel into the ___ unless both the auxiliary and main tanks are full (ER).
    extended range tanks
  71. Max Ramp Weight (300)
    15,100 lbs
  72. Max Ramp Weight (ER)
    16,600 lbs
  73. Max Takeoff Weight (ER)
    16,500 lbs
  74. Max Landing Weight (ER)
    15,675 lbs
  75. Max Zero Fuel Weight (ER)
    13,000 lbs
  76. Load Factor
    • Flaps Up: -1.24 thru 3.1 Gs
    • Flaps Down: 0 thru 2.0 Gs
  77. Landing Gear Cycles (1 up & 1 down = 1 cycle)
    • 1 every 5 minutes
    • Followed by: a 15 min cool down
  78. Max Cabin Px Differential
    6.6 PSI
  79. Rudder boost must be ____ for ___.
    operational ; all flights
  80. Sustained flight in icing conditions with flaps extended is ___ except for ___ and ___.
    prohibited ; approach ; landing
  81. Engine anti-ice ON
    < 5oC + Visible moisture
  82. Engine anti-ice OFF
    for takeoff operations in temps > 10oC
Card Set