English Evens

  1. Antecedent
    the grammatical term for the noun of or pronoun from which another pronoun derives its meaning
  2. Antithesis
    an opposition or contrast of ideas that is often expressed in balanced phrases or clauses.
  3. Apostrophe
    a figure of speech in which an absent person or personified object is addressed by aspeaker
  4. Apotheosis
    when acharacter or a thing is elevated to such a high status that it appears godlike.
  5. Appositive
    a word or phrase that follows as noun or pronoun for emphasis or clarity.
  6. Argument
    to attempt to convince the reader to agree with a point of view, to make agiven decision, or to pursue a particular course of action
  7. Assertion
    The thesis, claim, or proposition that a writer puts forward in argument.
  8. Assonace
    a type of internal rhyming in which vowel sounds are repeated.
  9. Claim
    The thesis or proposition put forth in argument
  10. Classification
    the writer arranges and sorts people, places, or things into categories according to theirdiffering characteristics, thus making them more manageable for the writer and more understandablefor the reader.
  11. Cliche
    an expression that has become ineffective through overuse
  12. Coherence
    a quality of good writing that results when all sentences, paragraphs and longer divisionsof an essay are naturally connected
  13. Colloquial Expressions
    characteristic of or appropriate to spoken language or to writing that seeksits effect. Colloquial expressions are informal, as chem., gym, come up with, be at loose ends, won’tand photo illustrate
  14. Comparison and Contrast
    the writer points out the similarities and differences between two or more subjects in thesame class or category.
  15. Dominant Impression
    the single mood, atmosphere, or quality a writer emphasizes in a piece ofdescriptive writing
  16. Draft
    a version of a piece of writing at a particular stage in the writing process
  17. Editing
    When the writer makes their prose conform to the functions of the language
  18. Elegiac
    A work that expresses sorrow
  19. Emphasis
    the placement of important ideas and words within sentences and longer units of writingso that they have the greatest impact
  20. Essay
    a relatively short piece of nonfiction in which the writer attempts to make one or moreclosely related points
  21. Ethos
    the characteristic spirit or ideal that informs a work
  22. Euphemism
    a mild or pleasant sounding expression that substitutes for a harsh, indelicate, orsimply less pleasant idea
  23. Fiction
    something has beenimagined or invented in the telling of the occurrence.
  24. Figurative Language
    an umbrella term for all uses of language that imply an imaginativecomparison.
  25. Focus
    the limitation that a writer gives his or her subject
  26. Foreshaddowing
    a purposeful hint placed in a work of literature to suggest what may occur later inthe narrative
  27. Grammar
    a set of rules that specify how a given language is used effectively.
  28. Hyperbole
    a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to achieve emphasis
  29. Idiom
    a word or phrase that is used habitually with a particular meaning in a language
  30. Image
    A mental picture that is conjured by specific words and associations, but there can be auditory and sensory components as well
  31. Logos
    The use of reason as a controlling principle in an argument
  32. Metaphor
    a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared directly, usually for emphasisor dramatic effect
  33. Metonymy
    a figure of speech in which something is referred to by using the name of somethingthat is associated with it
  34. Mood
    the prevailing or dominant feeling of a work, scene or event.
  35. Narration
    to tell a story, to tell what happened
  36. Objective/ Subjective
    Objective writing is factual and impersonal, whereas subjective writing, sometimes calledimpressionistic writing, relies heavily on personal interpretation.
  37. Onomatopia
    an effect created by words that have sounds that reinforce their meaning
  38. Opinion
    a belief or conclusion not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof
  39. Orginization
    the thoughtful arrangement and presentation of one’s points or ideas
  40. Person
    A grammatical term that describes the relationship of a writer or speaker to an audience byexamining the pronouns that are used
  41. Persona
    the character created by the voice and narration of the speaker of a text
  42. Personification
    A figure of speech in which ideas or objects are described as having human qualities or personalities.
  43. Point of View
    The particular perspective from which a story is told is called the point of view.
  44. Prewriting
    all the activities that take place before a writer actually starts a rough draft.
  45. Process Analysis
    answers the question how?And explains how something works or gives step-by-step directions for doing something
  46. Publication
    when the writer shares his or her writing with theintended audience.
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English Evens