The American Past

  1. Why didn't Jefferson Davis's Cotton Diplomacy work?
    A hold on the south, they took it off the market to support southern cotton and then countries started to grow cotton on there own lands.
  2. Who opposed Lincoln for reelection in 1864?
    General B. Mccaluighn. he belived in "peace of any kind" then Vicksburg & Getty'sburg were over
  3. Why did Lincoln delay issuing the Emancipation Proclomation?
    He wanted to wait for a Union victory, so he did it after the Vicksburg & Gettysburg Battles. He also put it in his pocket & forgot about that the permit ran out.
  4. Why did the Republicans enact the Thirteenth Amendment?
    to reconstitute the 11 confederate states and to make sure that all men were treated equaly
  5. in the Civil War context, to what does Reconstruction refer?
    that 10% of voters took an oath to be reconstitued
  6. How did the Union wage economic warfare in the South?
    they put a Blockade all ports in and out were closed
  7. What was the Homestead Act?
    a us law that gave an applicant freehold title up to 160 acres of underveloped federal land outside the 13 colonies. anyone who didn't take up arms against the us goverment including slaves could apply for this application.
  8. Which southern city slowly starved to death in the early summer of 1863?
    "Vicksburg" while it was under a seige, they ate horses & rats by the pound.
  9. What was a major limitation of the cavalry as a unit of warfare?
    lightly armorded, not like infranty
  10. How did the Union finance the war effort?
    putting the Morriall tarrif into law, custom duties were put through, bonds & taxation & the printed money when ever they wanted even if it didn't have anything to back it up
  11. What was Abraham Lincoln's plan of Reconstruction?
    a general amnesty to all who would take an oath of loyalty to the US & pledge to obey all federal laws pertainty to slavery, high confederate officals & military leaders were to tempoarily be excluded from the process, 1/10th of voters who voted in 1860 election who took an oath within a particular state could start there own goverment
  12. What were the Alabama, & Florida?
    2 Commerce raiders, they were to destroy anthing yankee especailly there fishing & shipping
  13. Why did Sherman ask for Grant's approval of his "March to the Sea"?
  14. The Fourteenth Amendment did what?
    protects rights against infringement s, defines citizenship, prohibits states from interfering with privileges & immunities, requires due process & equal protection, punishes states for denying votes & disqualifies Confederate officals & debts
  15. How did Lincoln deal with the pro-Confederate Vallandigham?
    Lincoln had him arrested & took him to the front line to exchange prisioners (it was illigeal but it was done)
  16. How did Robert E. Lee attempted to ease the pressure on Vicksburg?
    he attacked the North towards DC
  17. Which former Confederate state was unaffected by Radical Reconstruction?
  18. Which general became in instant hero after the Battle of Manassas?
    "Stonewall" Andrew Jackson
  19. What did the Morrill Tariff of 1861 do?
    it was an american protective law adopted on 03/2/1861 it innagurated a period of relativly continuous trade protection in the US it collected on dutiable imports by 70%
  20. Who ultimately won the election of 1876?
    Rutherford B. Hayes
  21. In july 1863, thousands of workingmen in New York rioted in protest of what?
    draft riots & the conscription act, where rich men could buy themselves out of draft & the poor couldn't
  22. where did Robert E. Lee surrender the ARmy of Northern Virginia?
    Apandix courth House of Virginia
  23. In his Reconstruction plan, Abraham Lincoln tried to do what?
  24. The Confederate Army was inferior to the Union in what way?
    Material possesion, they didn't have enough men, boots, blankets but they had spirit they were gung ho!
  25. What was Andrew Johnson's background?
    he worked as a courier, a orphan at 14 he was a soldier, a saddle maker, a school teacher, a country lawyer, a us senator, judge in the sepreme court, slave owner, planter & owner
  26. What, for most southern whites was their greatest objection to Reconstruction?
    living side by side to freed slaves
  27. Where were most Civil War battles fought?
    in the wilderness the wild woods
  28. Which southern city slowly starved to death in the early summer of 1863?
    west virginia
  29. Why did Republicans enact the 13th Amendment?
  30. Whom did the Confederate draft law exempt from service?
    owners of slaves who had 20 or more slaves or there children
  31. The Battle of Gettysburg began when the town was entered by a Confederate raiding party looking for what?
  32. The political faction that was the driving force behind Reconstruction was called the what?
    Radical Republicans
  33. The Union army that defended Washington & attacked Richmond was called what?
    The Army of the Potamac River
Card Set
The American Past
History 105