Vocabulary 12, 13, 14

  1. corpus luteum
    graafian follicle cells remaining after ovulation. These cells produce estrogen and progesterone.
  2. embryo
    the developing baby from the beginning of the 3rd week through 8th week after conception.
  3. endometrium
    lining of the uterus
  4. fertilization age
    prenatal age of the developing baby, calculated from the date of conception.
  5. fetus
    the develping baby from 9 weeks after conception until birth. In everyday practice this term is often used to describe a developing baby during pregnancy, regardless of age.
  6. gestational age
    prenatal age of the developing baby (measured in weeks) calcuated from 1st day of the woman's last menstrual period. Also called, menstrual age, about 2 weeks longer than the fertilization age.
  7. placenta
    fetal structure that provides nourishment to and removes wastes from the developing baby and secretes hormones necessary for the pregnancy to continue.
  8. aboriton
    a spontaneous or elective termination of pregnancy before the 20th week of gestation, based on the date of the LMP. Spontaneous abortion is frequently called miscarriage by the lay public.
  9. amenorrhea
    absence of menstruation.
  10. Braxton Hicks contractions
    irregular, usally mild uterine contractions that occur throughout pregnancy and become stronger in the last trimester.
  11. Chadwick's sign
    bluish purple discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia during pregnancy as a result of increased vascular congestion.
  12. colostrum
    breast fluid secreted during pregnancy and the 1st week after birth.
  13. Goodell's sign
    softening of the cervix during pregnancy.
  14. gravida
    a woman who is or has been pregnant, regardless of the duration or outcome of the pregnancy.
  15. hyperemia
    excess of blood in a part of the body.
  16. melasma
    brownish pigmentation of the face during pregnancy, also called chloasma or "mask of pregnancy."
  17. multigravida
    a woman who has been pregnant more than once.
  18. multipara
    a woman who has delivered 2 or more pregnancies at 20 or more weeks of gestation.
  19. nullipara
    a woman who has never completed a pregnancy beyond a spontaneous or elective abortion.
  20. para
    # of pregnancies that have progressed to 20 or more weeks at delivery, whether the fetus was born alive or was stillborn; refers to the # of pregnancies, not the # of fetuses.
  21. physiologic anemia of pregnancy
    decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit values caused by dilution of erythrocytes by expanded plasma volume rather than by an actual decrease in erythrocytes or hemoglobin.
  22. postterm birth
    a brith that occurs 42 weeks of gestation.
  23. preterm birth
    a birth that occurs after the 20th week and befoe the start of the 38th week of gestation.
  24. primigravida
    a woman who is pregnant for the first time.
  25. primipara
    a woman who has delivered one pregnancy of at least 20 weeks.
  26. quickening
    the first movements of the fetus in the uterus felt by the mother.
  27. striae gravidarum
    irregular pink to purple streaks on he abdomen, breasts, or thighs resulting from tears in the connective tissue.
  28. term birth
    a birth that occurs between the 38th and 42nd weeks of gestation.
  29. trimester
    a divsion of pregnancy; one of three equal parts of 13 weeks each.
  30. ambivalence
    simultaneous conflicting emotions, attitudes, ideas, or wishes.
  31. attachment
    development of strong ties of affecion as a result of interaction between an infant and a significant other (mother, father, sibling, caretaker).
  32. birth plan
    a plan describing a couple's preferences for their birth experience.
  33. bonding
    development of a strong emotional tie of a parent to a newborn; also called claing or binding in.
  34. doula
    a trained support person employed to provide labor or postpartum support.
  35. introversion
    inward concentration on oneself and one's body.
  36. narcissism
    unde preoccupation with oneself.
Card Set
Vocabulary 12, 13, 14
Conception & Prenatal Development