Meda 110 chapter 3

  1. Cephal
  2. -Dynia
  3. Cephalodynia
    Pain in the head.
  4. Cephalalgia
    Pain in the head.
  5. -Esis
    Condition of. I.e. enuresis is a condition of incontenence.
  6. -ia
    condition. I.e. paraplegia condition of paralysis of the lower half of the body.
  7. Hirsutism
    Condition of excessive body hair in a male distribution pattern.
  8. -ism
  9. -ist
  10. Noun Suffix:
    Small or little. I.e. arteiole smallest branch of the arteries.
  11. Noun Suffix:
    Condition. I.e. cyanosis is a condition of blueness.
  12. Noun Suffix:
    Process of. I.e. relaxtion is the procces of reducing tension.
  13. Noun Suffix:
    Small or little. I.e. macula is a small pigmented spot that appears separate from the surrounding tissue.
  14. Noun Suffix:
    "Small one". I.e. venule is the smallest vein in the body.
  15. -desis
    Binding or surgical fusion. I.e. arthrodesis is a fixation of a joint by a procedure designed to accomplish fusion of the joint surfaces.
  16. Hypertrophy
    • Put this on the scantron for extra points.
    • Spelling
    • Meaning

    The growth of the individual cells.
  17. Thoracocentesis (challenge word).
    A surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest.
  18. Ventral
    Pertaining to the front or belly side. Ventr/o
  19. Gastralgia
    Pain in the stomach.
  20. Rule
    A suffix makes a word either a noun or an adjective.
  21. Gastritis
    Inflammation of the stomach.
  22. Gastric
    Pertaining to the stomach.
  23. Gastrostomy
    Creating a new opening into the stomach.
  24. Noun Suffix:
    A noun ending. I.e. cyanoderma: skin with a bluish discoloration.
  25. Noun suffix:
    Something that... I.e. hemolysate: something that results from hemolysis.
  26. Noun Suffix:
    Blood condition.
  27. Noun suffix:
    One who. i.e. radiographer is one who takes and processes X-rays.
  28. Noun suffix:
    Condition of. i.e. enuresis is a condition of bed-wetting.
  29. Noun Suffix:
    Condition. I.e. paraplegia is a condition of paralysis of the lower half of the body.
  30. Noun Suffix:
    Medical treatment, or medical profession. I.e. podiatry is the treatment of diseases of the foot.
  31. Noun Suffix:
    Action, or process. I.e. conduction is the process in which heat is transferred from one substance to another.
  32. Noun Suffix:
    Condition. I.e. hirsutism is the condition of excessive body hair in a male distribution pattern.
  33. Noun Suffix:
    Practitioner. I.e. pharmacist is a practitioner who prepares/dispenses drugs/medications.
  34. Noun Suffix:
    A suffix that identifies singular nouns. I.e. duodenum is the first part of the small intestines.
  35. Noun Suffix:
    A suffix that identifies singular nouns. I.e. coccus is a singular bacterium.
  36. Noun Suffix:
    Condition or process. I.e. myopathy is an abnormal condition of the muscle.
  37. Rule
    When a singular form of a word ends in -a, change the a to ae. I.e. plura: plurae
  38. Rule
    • When the singular form of a word ends in -ax, change it to aces.
    • I.e. thorax: thoraces
  39. Rule
    • Singular form of a word ends in -is, change it to es.
    • I.e. crisis: crises
  40. Rule
    • When the singular form of a word ends in -ix, -ex, or -yx, change it to ices.
    • I.e. appendix: appendices, apex: apices
  41. Rule
    • When the singular form of a word ends in -on, change it to a.
    • I.e. ganglion: ganglia
  42. Rule
    • When the singular form of a word ends in -um change it to a.
    • I.e. bacterium: bacteria
  43. Rule
    • The singular form ends in -us change it to i.
    • I.e. thrombus: thrombi
  44. Rule
    • When the singular form of a word ends in -ma, change it to mata.
    • I.e. fibroma: fibromata
  45. Pertaining to:
    • -ac
    • -al
    • -ar
    • -ary
    • -eal
    • -ic
    • -ical
    • -ile
    • -oid (resembling)
    • -ory
    • -ous
    • -tic
  46. -clasis
    Crushing or breaking up. I.e. osteoclasis is an intentional surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity.
  47. -desis
    Binding or surgical fusion. I.e. arthrodesis is a fixation of a joint by a procedure designed to accomplish fusion of the joint surfaces.
  48. -ize
    To make, to treat or combine with. I.e. to anesthetize is to induce a state of anesthesia.
  49. -meter
    An instrumentused to measure. I.e. pelvimeter is an instrument used to measure the diameter of the pelvis.
  50. -opsy
    Process of viewing. I.e. biopsy is the removal of living tissue.
  51. -pexy
    Surgical fixation. I.e. colpopexy is a surgical fixation of a relaxed vaginal wall.
  52. -plasty
    Surgical repair.
  53. -rrhaphy
    Suturing. I.e. Nephrorrhaphy is the operation of suturing the kidney.
  54. -scope
    An instrument used to view.
  55. -stomy
    • The surgical creation of a new opening.
    • i.e. colostomy is the creation of a new opening between the colon and surface of the body.
  56. -tomy
    Incision into. I.e. phlebotomy is an incision into a vein.
  57. -tripsy
    • Intentional crushing.
    • I.e. lithrotripsy is the crushing of a stone in the bladder.
  58. -blast
    Embryonic stage of development.
  59. -cele
    Swelling or herniation. I.e. cystocele is the herniation of the urniary bladder through the vaginal wall.
  60. -cide
    to kill or destroy.
  61. -cyte
  62. -ectasia or -ectasia
    Stretching or dilation.
  63. -gen
    That which generates. I.e. that which generates sugar.
  64. -genesis
    Generating or formation. i.e. lithogenesis is the formation of stones.
  65. -genic
    Pertaining to the formation or generation. I.e. lithogenic pertains to the formation of stones.
  66. -ia
    Condition. I.e. paraplegia
  67. -iasis
    Presence of an abnormal condition.
  68. -lytic
    Destruction. I.e. keratolytic is an agent used to destroy hardened skin.
  69. -lepsy
    Seizure or attack. I.e. narcolpesy is a sudden attack of sleep.
  70. -oma
    Tumor. I.e. lipoma is a fatty tumor.
  71. -opia or -opsia
    Visual condition. I.e. myopia is a condition of nearsightedness. hemanopsia is a blindness in one half of the visual field.
  72. -ptosis
    Drooping or prolapse. I.e. colpoptosis is the prolapse of the vagina.
  73. -rrhagia
    Excessive flow or discharge. I.e. gastrorrhagia is the bursting forth of blood from the stomach.
  74. -rrhexis
    Rupture. I.e. arteriorrhexis is the rupture of an artery.
  75. -stasis
    Stopping or controlling. I.e. hemostasis is stopping or controlling the flow of blood.
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Meda 110 chapter 3
med term.