world history test 1 cards

  1. What was the earliest civilization?
  2. what is the stage of human development at which
    writing and the keeping of written records is attained.
  3. what is city in latin?
  4. what is the study of civilized man kind?
  5. what always leads to a population explosion?
  6. what kinds of people traveled in small groups of 30 to 50?
  7. what were people called before they discovered agriculture?
    hunter gatherers
  8. what kind of lifestyle did people lead after they discovered agriculture?
  9. what happens when people become sedentary?
    technology increases and people accumulate stuff
  10. what was the land between the 2 rivers (tigris and euphrates)?
  11. what did the Mesopotamians develop that helped agriculture?
  12. what 5 things did Mesopotamia develop?
    irrigation, ability to work with metals, writing, wheel, Sumer
  13. what metal was melted together from copper and tin and used to make tools?
  14. what was the wedge shaped writing that was written with a stylus by mesopotamians?
  15. what important invention was used for transportation and tools and the first were used for pottery?
    the wheel
  16. what was the first civilization created by the Mesopotamians in the desert which experienced droughts and earthquakes?
  17. 4 famous Sumerian cities
    Ur, Uruk, Lagash, and Nippur
  18. what type of religion did Sumerians have?
    polytheistic (many gods)
  19. who was the fertility goddess?
  20. what was the stepped pyramid called?
  21. who were the first to brew beer?
  22. what is it called when societies have different levels of social classes?
    stratified society
  23. what were the 3 paths to slavery?
    birth, prisoner of war, debt slavery
  24. what are the 5 functions of a king?
    warrior/hunter, law giver, chief justice, chief priest, patron/builder
  25. who ruled around 2334 b.c. and moved down from central Mesopotamia and conquered all of Sumer. also built worlds 1st empire and conquered people of different ethnicities and cultures?
    Sargon of Akkos
  26. who arose from humble origin to become king and conquerer, blended Sumerian and Akkadian culture, and borrowed and adapted ideas from Sumerians, and put Akkadians in charge of Sumerian cities
    still Sargon of Akkad
  27. what happened to the Akkadian empire after Sargon's sons took over?
    it was divided and eventually fell apart
  28. what happened to cities after Akkadian empire fell apart?
    they became independant with UR as a dominant force
  29. who was the powerful Babylonian emperor with the biggest empire
  30. what is Hammurabi most known for?
    his law code which was written down and distributed throughout the kingdom
  31. what were the stone slabs called which created a sense of permanence?
  32. how was Hammurabis law code?
    Harsh (eye for an eye), not equal (social distinctions), power was not exercised arbitrarily
  33. what happened after Hammurabi died?
    the empire fell apart, sons couldnt rule
  34. who conquered after Hammurabis sons?
    Hittities (of southern Turkey)
  35. what helped the Hittites conquer?
    they had horses and a superior military force
  36. who was involved in the battle of Kadesh?
    Hittites and Egyptians
  37. who were the major powers after Hittites?
    Assyrians, then Neobabylonians
  38. what did King Nebuchanezar create for his wife?
    the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  39. what is called the gift of the nile?
  40. what extends from the Mediterranean sea to the First Cataract (waterfall or rapid)
    the Nile
  41. what helped Egypt produce more crops?
    the flooding from the Nile
  42. describe Egypts religion
    polytheistic and zoomorphic (half human, half animal god)
  43. who was the alligator god who was connected with the nile
  44. which goddess was symbolized by a cat, was a mother figure that protected the pharoah and fertility
  45. who was the first pharoah?
  46. how are pharoahs different from kings?
    they arent warriors
  47. what is it called when power is passed down through family?
  48. what were the elaborate tombs for pharoahs?
  49. what two things were the pharoahs responsible for?
    annual flooding of the Nile and MA'AT (harmony, order)
  50. what were the regional governors called who had regions called NOMES
  51. outside invaders that took over Egypt and introduced chariots and bronze?
  52. who drove out the HYKSOS and started the new kingdom?
    Ahmose I
  53. who did Hebrews supposedly come from?
  54. what happened in the New Kingdom battle of Kadesh?
    Ahmose kicked out the Hyksos
  55. what happened during the new Kingdom?
    city walls were created and expansion
  56. who was the female pharoah that was interested in gov't as a child?
  57. who runs the kingdom until pharoah is old enough?
  58. who was the unusual pharoah who became Akonaten?
  59. what does Akonaten mean?
    "pleasing to Akon (the sun god)"
  60. what did Akenaten forbid people from doing?
    worshipping gods other than Akon
  61. who was Akenatens wife who was also worshipped?
  62. who was Akenaten's famous son?
    King Tutenkamen "king Tut"
Card Set
world history test 1 cards
cards for test 1