Literacy Test

  1. Children need ________ models, ___________________, & constructive feedback
    • good
    • extensive practice
  2. Adding words is ______
    Substituting is ________________
    Rearranging Sentences/paragraphs is __________________
    Deleting words/phrases is ______________
    • easy
    • difficult
    • the most difficult
    • simple
  3. Describe the Emergent Writer

    How can we help the emergent writer?
    • must attend to many details of print: top to bottom, spacing, return sweep
    • want students to be risk takers

    sticker left corner of page, space man, ABC chart
  4. Describe the Early Writer
    • attend more actively to the composing process
    • begins early stages of editing
    • writing reflects greater skill
  5. Describe the Transitiional Writer

    What must there be a balance of?
    • transcribing skills are faster & more automatic
    • focus more on craft of writing
    • moves through all stages of writing

    Must be a balance between composing & transcribing
  6. Teaching Dictionary Use
    • Skill that needs to be taught
    • show how thier are different meanings and how the words are ordered in the book
    • using 1st letter to open dictionary
  7. Describe Writer's Workshop
    • literacy block where children learn the process of how to write
    • learn a variety of skills & strategies to take them through the writing process, while teaching language arts
  8. Describe prewriting step

    Strategies to help prewriting
    • identifying purpose & audience
    • stage about planning, gathering, & organizing ideas

    Strategies include: topic lists, graphic organizers, journal entries
  9. Describe the drafting stage

    • when writing 1st draft there will be a lot of crossing out
    • content is emphasized rather than mechanics

    Strategies include: skip every other line, keep graphic organizer visible, 5 W's & H
  10. Describe revising stage

    what are strategies
    • read for clarity & best choice of words
    • reorganize content & insert or delete details

    Strategies include: read it to the wall, word journals, peers, dictionary
  11. Describe the editing stage

    What are some strategies
    elimination of errors in spelling, punctuation, & capitalization

    Strategies include: class experts, minimal mark, skill charts, COPS, group revising
  12. Describe the publishing stage
    • this is the polished work
    • error free
    • neat handwriting
    • computer generated
  13. What are some tools for students
    • writers notebook
    • ABC chart
    • Give me 5
    • Topic List
    • Action Words
    • COPS
    • Writing checklists
  14. Describe the authors chair

    What is a strategy for it
    • it is a special chair
    • should take 5-10min; depends on grade level

    • Incorporate TAG
    • 2 stars & 1 wish
  15. How to promote writing
    • simulated journals-- POV writing
    • learning logs
    • response/ buddy journals
    • Applications, Want Ads/ letters
  16. Describe writing conferences

    Where do you conference?

    What is the language of the conference
    a writing conference is the heart of teaching the writing process

    conference at the teachers desk, students desk, and reading/writing table

    20% teacher & 80% student
  17. characteristic of the writing conferences
    • all are brief
    • focused
    • designed to engage students in self-reflective learning
  18. Describe teacher scheduled conference
    • teacher conducts an individual conference for 3 to 5 min/day with 5 students
    • goal is to meet with all students once a week
  19. Describe student scheduled conference
    • students request conference for immediate assistance
    • could be too many requests
    • encourage student to work on other writing while waiting
  20. Describe peer/small group conference
    • students conference with each other
    • students need to ask: what piece is about; what do I like; anything confusing?
  21. Describe a teacher drop in
    • in addition to teacher-scheduled
    • may occur anytime during writing process
    • allows teacher to obserbe the student's writing habits
  22. Children become better writers through ______________ experiences with writing
    positive or successful
  23. What is a mini lesson?
    Mini lessons provide explicit teaching, clear demonstrations, guided assistance, and independent practice
  24. What are the 4 broad topics of mini lessons
    • organization
    • strategies
    • skills
    • author's craft
  25. Describe organization aspect of mini lessons
    • success of WW is ground in a well-organized program where students understand routines & procedures
    • what are rules & guidelines for WW
    • setting up writing notebook
    • self managing & locating materials
  26. Describe strategies aspect of mini lessons
    • teacher uses memorable examples that provide students with models for learning how to problem-solve during writing
    • revising your message for clarity
    • sticking to a topic
    • graphic organizers
  27. Describe skills aspect of mini lessons
    • based on district & state standards for each grade level
    • using capitalization for beginning of sentence
    • using commas for words in a series
    • using closing punctuation
  28. Describe Author's craft of mini lessons

    How do students apply this knowledge
    • teacher's guide students to notice how writer's write, including language & text conventions
    • uisng strong action verbs
    • created good lead sentences that hooks reader
    • creating catchy endings

    Students apply this knowledge to a piece of writing from their writing notebooks & journals
Card Set
Literacy Test
questions for literacy