What is marriage and purpose?
- -focuses on strengthening marriage and view childrearing as central purpose of marriage
- -conservative hates the idea of divorce, having children out of wedlock and cohabitation
- -favors policy that promotes marriage as the way out of problems.
utilitarian individualism
puts emphasis on self-reliance and personal achievement
expressive individualism
places emphasis on developing one's feelings and emotional satisfaction
What are some of the reason why many are postponing marriage?
- -feel less of a need to do so
- -staying in school
- -developing a career
- -cohabiting
- -having children outside of marriage
What is the trend for marriage in the U.S.?
- -many are postponing it to pursure other interest like career and schooling
- -average age for men is 28.4 years
- -average age for women is 26.5 years
What is a family? Breadwinner-Homemaker
- -traditional views
- -men go to work and provide economic resources
- -women stay at home and take care of family
- -social conservative view this as the only "right" family
What are some definition of a family?
- -a unit made up of tow or more people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit, and bear and raise children
- -two or more people living together who are related by birth, marriage or adoption (u.s. census)
- -a family is an intimate environment in which two or more people live together in commited relationship, care for one another and any children, share activities (functions) and close emotional ties.
What is the trend in traditional family?
- The traditional familiy in the united states have been decreasing from 60% in 1972 to 29% in 2007.
- married couples households declining as well.
- single parents household are increasing
fictive kin:
nonrelatives who are accepted as part of the family, may have a stronger bond than the one establised by blood or marriage
List the 5 functions of the family
- 1. regulation of sexual activity
- 2. procreation and socialization of children
- 3. economic security
- 4. emotional support
- 5. social class placement
family functions: sexual regulation
- -setting boundaries for appropriate sexual partners: incest taboo
- -socialization about circumstances for sexual relaions
- -group membership (endogamy, or exogamy)
marriage within the same group
marriage outside the group
family functions: procreation and socialization of children
- -procreation
- -socialization
- -children learn from parents and sibs, learn about role, obligations and responsibilities that is attached to that role
family function: economic security
provide basic nessecity, ensure physical survival
family function; emotional support
- -support structure within the family
- -provide nurturance, love and support, encouragement, promote happiness, health and security
family functions: social class placement
- children are born into a particular social class that the parents is in.
- -middle class couples are likely to share household chores
- -lower class couples are at greater risk for family problems.
trends in changing families
- -U.S. birth rates have decline
- -increase in the number of non-family households
- -increase in the number of singles and cohabiting couples
- -increase in divorces
- -increase in step families
- -higher percentage of employed
The family is deteriorating
Marriages are in a state of “extreme collapse”
- High rates of divorce, children born out of
- wedlock, “latch-key children,” increase in the number of individuals no getting married, increase in single parent families, increase number of mothers working outside the home
- Why?
- Lack of individual responsibility
- Lack of commitment to the family
- People are just plain selfish
what are the benefits and cost of traditional views and gender roles