Two mood stabilizers used:
Two first line medications most often used for long term tx of bipolar are:
- lithium
- valproic acid (depakote)
Natural salt in body
Lithium normalizes the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepi, acetylcholine and dopamine.
Valporic acid and topiramate increase ____?
Valporic acid and Carbamazepine stabilize mood by inhibiting the _______ process.
Lithium levels should be:
about 1.0
Lithium level that is toxic:
1.5 or greater
Check lithium level every 2-3 days, then weekly, then monthly.
- Fine hand tremor
- n/d
- anorexia
- polydipsia, polyuria
- metallic taste
- fatigue
- weight gain
These are what kind of side effects of lithium?
REGULAR side effects.
- Severe diarrhea and vomiting
- Drowsiness
- Muscle weakness
- Lack of coordination
- Renal failure
- Coma and death
These are what kind of side effects of lithium?
Toxic effects
Effects of anticonvulsants:
- - drownisess
- - sedation
- - dry mouth
- - blurred vision
- - rashes
- - hand tremor
- - liver failure
Fine tremors that turn into coarse tremors.
Mild GI upset progressing into persistent upset.
Lithium toxicity
-Slurred speech
-Muscle weakness to mental confusion
-Muscle hyperirritability
-Poor Coordination
-EEG changes
Lithium toxicity
SEVERE Lithium Toxicity:
- Decreasing LOC to stupor to coma
- Seizures
- Severe hypotension
- Severe polyuria
Process by which seizure activity in a specific area of the brain is initially stimulated by reaching a threshold of the cumulative effects of stress, low amounts of electric impulses or chemicals such as cocaine that sensitize nerve cells and pathways.
Kindling effect
Kindling effect (raises or lowers) threshold, you need (more or less) of a stimulus to have a result.