1. Acculturation:
    Process of adopting only certain customs that will beto their advantage
  2. Assimilation:
    Process of less dominant cultures losing theirculture to a more dominant culture
  3. Cultural core/periphery
    The core-peripheryidea that the core houses main economic power of region and the outlying regionor periphery houses lesser economic ties
  4. Cultural Ecology:
    The geographic study of human environmental relationships
  5. Cultural Identity:
    Ones belief in belonging to a group or certaincultural aspect
  6. Cultural Landscape:
    The visible imprint of human activity on the landscape
  7. Culture Region:

    Formal (Uniform):



    Functional (Nodal):

    (perceptual-regional self-awareness):
    Culture Region:

    • Formal (Uniform): An area in
    • which everyone shares in one or more distinctive characteristics

    Core-Center of economic activity

    Periphery-Outlying region of economic activity

    • Functional (Nodal): Region
    • organized at a node or focal point

    • Vernacular
    • (perceptual-regional self-awareness): A place that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity
  8. Diffusion Types:





    Diffusion Types:

    • Expansion-The spread of one feature
    • from one place to another in a snowballing process

    • Hierarchical-The spread of an idea from persons or nodes of
    • authority or power to other persons or places

    • Contagious-The rapid widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout
    • the population

    • Stimulus-The spread of an underlying principle when the
    • characteristic fails to diffuse

    • Relocation-The spread of an idea through physical movement of
    • people from one place to another
  9. Maladaptive diffusion:
    Diffusion of a process with negative side effects orWhat works well in one region may not in anothe
  10. Cargo Cult
    Cargo Cult’s believe western goods have been traded to them byancestral spirits. It takes place in Melanesia and is important go HG because it’s a bigreligious movement by a large number of people.
  11. Confucianism-
    Developed byearlier Chinese man Confucius, it’s a complex system of moral, social,political, and religious thought. Thisis important to HG because it has affected Chinese Civilizations tremendously.
  12. Ethnic Religion-
    A religion with a ratherconcentrated distribution whose principles are likely to be based on thephysical characteristics of the particular location where its adherents arelocated. This is important to HG becausemost religions start off as a Ethnic Religion.
  13. Exclave/Enclave-
    A enclave is acountry or part of a country mostly surrounded by the territory of anothercountry; an exclave is one which is geographically separated from the main partby surrounding alien territory. This isimportant to HG because a lot of countries are within other countries.
  14. Fundamentalism-
    Literalinterpretation and strict adherence to basic principles of a religion. This is important to HG because there are alot of Fundamentalists in all religions.
  15. Hajj-
    The pilgrimageto Mecca forIslam followers. It’s the fifth of thefive pillars. It is important to HGbecause just about all Islam followers try the pilgrimage there.
  16. Hinduism-
    Created in India,approximately one billion followers. Unlike other religions, heaven isn’t always the ultimate goal in life.Third largest in world behind Christianity and Islam. Talk about Karma (what goes around comesaround.) It is important to HG becausesuch a large number of people follow the religion and it’s unlike any otherone.
  17. Interfaith boundaries-
    the boundaries betweenthe world's major faiths, such as Christianity, Muslim, and Buddhism. This isn’t the same as Intrafaith boundarieswhich describes the boundaries within a major religion. This is important to HG because it separatesdifferent groups of people for different reasons
  18. Islam-
    It means thesubmission to the will of god. Its a monotheisticreligion originating with the teachings of Muhammad, a key religious figure. It is the second largest religion in theworld. This is important to HG becauseit has impacted the world greatly, especially boundaries.
  19. Jainism-
    religion and philosophyoriginating in ancient India. Stresses spiritual independence and equalitythroughout all life. It affects HGbecause a lot of people believe in it in India.
  20. Judaism-
    It is thereligion of ancient Hebrews, said to be one of the first monotheistic faiths. This is important to HG because many otherreligions have been based off it.
  21. Mormonism:
    • a term used to describe religious, ideological, andcultural aspects of the various denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement.It is important because a lot of people around the world practice Mormonism.
  22. Muslim pilgrimage
    If physicallyand financially able, a Muslim makes a pilgrimage to Makkah. (Mecca) They usually make the trip aroundRamadan. This pilgrimage is also referred to as Hajj. It is important because Islam is one of themost popular religions practiced around the world.
  23. Muslim population:
    It is thereligion of 1.3 billion people in the world. It is the predominant religion of the Middle East from North Africa to Central Asia. Halfof the world’s Muslims live in four countries outside the Middle East: Indonesia, Pakistan,Bangladesh, and India. It isimportant because Islam is one of the most popular religions practiced aroundthe world.
  24. Proselytic Religion:
    Referred to as a Universalizing Religion,which is an attempt to be global, to appeal to all people, wherever they maylive in the world, not just to those of one culture or location. There are three religions that practice thisthey are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. To proselytize is to try to convertanother person to your religion. Thisimportant to HG because these are three of the biggest religions in the worldthey are practiced all over the world
  25. Secularism-
    This is thebelief that humans should be based on facts and not religious beliefs. This is important to HG because this hascaused conflicts in a lot of different places including politics.
  26. Shamanism-
    This is the rangeof traditional beliefs and practices that claim the ability to cure, heal, andcause pain to people. This is importantto HG because it is thought as good and bad.
  27. Shintoism-
    said to be theway of god. It is the native religion of Japan and was once its state religion. It involves the worship ofkami (a god). Not very significant anymore and lostimportance to today. This is importantto HG because before WWII it was very popular and affected a lot of people in Japan.
  28. Sikhism-
    is a religion that began in sixteenth century Northern India . The principal belief in Sikhism is faith in Vāhigurū. Emphasizes faith in god. This isimportant to HG because its another minor religion in India that affects a lot of people.
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