1. Steps to Homeostasis
    • 1. Transport of gases, nutrients, and waste products.
    • 2. Transport of processed molecules.
    • 3. Transport of regulatory molecules
    • 4. Regulation of pH and osmosis
    • 5. Maintenance of body temperature
    • 6. Protection against foreign substances
    • 7. Clot formation.
  2. What substances are transported by the blood?
    Oxygen enters the blood in the lungs and is carried to the cells. Carbon Dioxide, produced by the cells, is carried in the blood to the lungs, from which it is expelled. The blood transports ingested nutrients, ions, and water from the digestive tract to the cells, and the blood tranports the cells' waste products to the kidneys for elimination.
  3. Normal Range of blood pH.
  4. How does the blood provide protection?
    Blood protects against disease and initiates tissue repair.
  5. Blood
    connective tissue consisting of a liquied matrix containing cells and cell fragment.
  6. Major components of blood (2)
    • Plasma - liquid matrix
    • Formed elements - cell and cell fragments
  7. What portion of the total blood volume does plasma and formed elements compose?
    Plasma makes up 55% and formed elements make up 45%.
  8. What is the average total blood volume for males and females?
    • Female - 4-5L
    • Males - 5-6 L

    *Blood makes up about 8% of the total body weight.
Card Set
Test 1 - Chapter 19 and 22