
  1. External Intercostal Muscle
    • Superior Attachment: Inferior border of rib from back to anterior axillary line
    • Inferior Attachment: Superior border of rib below from back to anterior axillary line
    • Innervation: Intercostal nerve (T1-9)
    • Main Actions: Elevate ribs
  2. Internal Intercostal Muscle
    • Superior Attachment: Inferior border of rib from ~ angle of ribs forward between costal cartilage
    • Inferior Attachment: Superior border of rib below from ~ angle of ribs forward between costal cartilage
    • Innervation: Intercostal nerve (T1-9)
    • Main Actions: Depress ribs
  3. Transversus Thoracis
    • Superior Attachment: Posterior surface of lower sternum
    • Inferior Attachment: Internal surface of costal cartilages 2-6
    • Innervation: Intercostal nerve
    • Main Actions: Depress ribs
  4. Diaphragm
    • Proximal Attachment/origin: Thoracic outlet: xiphoid, costal margin, ribs 11 and 12, T12-L1 vertebrae
    • Distal Attachment/insertion: Converge into central tendon
    • Innervation: Phrenic nerve
    • Actions: draws central tendon down and forward during inspiration
    • Aortic hiatus: at T12
    • Esophageal hiatus: at T10
    • Caval foramen: at T8
  5. Superior border of heart (base)
    L 2nd costal cartilage --> R 3rd costal cartilage
  6. R border of heart
    R 3rd costal cartilage --> R 6th costal cartilage
  7. Inferior boder of heart
    R 6th costal cartilage --> L 5th ICS, MCL
  8. L border of heart
    L 5th ICS, MCL --> L 2nd costal cartilage
  9. Aortic valve auscultation
    R 2nd ICS
  10. Pulmonic valve auscultation
    L 2nd ICS
  11. Tricuspid valve ausculation
    L 4th ICS
  12. Biscupid/mitral valve auscultation
    L 5th ICS, MCL
  13. Thoracic outlet
    manubrium --> 1st rib --> T1
  14. Phrenic n.
    • Originates: VR C3-5
    • Innervates: pericardium; diaphragm
  15. Vagus n.
    • CN X - parasympathetic
    • Runs down neck in carotid cheath with internal jugular v. and internal --> common carotid
    • L side devides under aortic arch
    • R side divides under brachiocephalic trunk
    • lower divisions form plexuses: cardiac (heart - slows); pulmonary (bronchioles and bronchii - constricts); esophageal (esophagus - stimulates to contract)
  16. Recurrent laryngeal
    branches of the vagus n., innervate larynx (voicebox)
  17. sympathetic trunk
    • back agains vertebral column
    • carries sympathetic innervation to all areas of body
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Thoracic Muscles