Digestive System

  1. Mechanical Digestion
    Foods that are physically broken down into smaller peices
  2. Chemical Digestion
    Chemicals that are produced by the body. They also break down foods into their smaller chemical building blocks.
  3. Absorption
    Process by which nutrients pass through the walls of your digestive system and into your blood.
  4. Saliva
    Is produced in the salivary gland. Is a fluid that is released ino the mouth.
  5. Enzyme
    Protiens that speed up chemical reactions inside your body.
  6. Epiglottis
    A flap of tissue that closes of your windpipe and stops food from entering your lungs.
  7. Esophagus
    A muscular tube that connects your mouth to your stomach.
  8. Peristalsis
    Involuntary waves of muscle contractions that push food towards the stomach.
  9. Stomach
    A smooth muscle organ that breaks down food mechanically.
  10. Small Intestine
    A long tube where most chemical digestion occurs. It is also the place where nutrients are absorbed.
  11. Liver
    Is the largest organ in your body and it breaks down medicine, eliminates nitrogen, and produces bile.
  12. Bile
    A substance that breaks down fat particles.
  13. Gall Bladder
    Bile is stored here.
  14. Pancreas
    Produces an enzyme called insulin which helps keep your blood sugar "regular"
  15. Villus
    Located on the surface lining of the small intestine and absorbs nutrients.
  16. Large Intestine
    Carries waste to the rectum.
  17. Rectum
    The tube where the large intestine ends. Is the place where stool is stored before it is removed.
  18. Anus
    The opening where solid waste is removed from the body.
  19. Teeth
    Carries out the first step of mechanical digestion. They also rip and tear food into smaller pieces.
  20. Tongue
    A muscle that directs food to the esophagus.
  21. Duodenum
    The first part of the small intestine.
Card Set
Digestive System
Digestive System Vocabulary