Abstract Algebra 1

  1. Definition of the Cartesian product of two sets.
    Let A and B be sets. The set A x B = {(a,b) | a Image Upload 2 A and b Image Upload 4 B} is the cartesian product of A and B.
  2. Definition a function and related concepts.
    A function f mapping X onto Y is a relation between X and Y with the property that each x Image Upload 6 X appears as the first member of exactly one ordered pair (x,y) in f. Such a function is also called a map of mapping of X into Y. We write f:X->Y and express (x,y) Image Upload 8 f by f(x)=y. The domain of f is the set X and the set Y is the codomain of f. The range of f is f[X] = {f(x) | xImage Upload 10 X}.
  3. Definition of injective (one-to-one), surjective (onto), and bijective function.
    A function f:X->Y is one to one if f(x1)=f(x2) only when x1=x2. The function f is onto Y if the range of f is Y. The function f is bijective if it is one to one and onto.
  4. Definition of two sets with the same cardinality.
    Two sets X and Y have the same cardinality if there exists a one-to-one function mapping X onto Y, that is, if there exists a one-to-one correspondence between X and Y.
  5. Prove that the sets Z and Q have cardinality Image Upload 12.
    For each n Image Upload 14 N, let An be the set given by An = {Image Upload 16p/q | where p,q Image Upload 18 N are in lowest terms with p + q = n}. Each An is finite and every rational number appears in exactly one of these sets. A countable union of finite sets is countable.
  6. Definition of partition.
    A partition of a set S is a collection of nonempty subsets of S such that every element of S is in exactly one of the subsets. The subsets are the cells of the partition.
  7. Definition of an equivalence relation.
    • An equivalence relation R on a set S is one that satisfies these three properties for all x, y, z Image Upload 20 S.
    • 1. (Reflexive) xRx.
    • 2. (Symmetric) If xRy, then yRx.
    • 3. (Transitive) If xRy and yRz, then xRz.
  8. Define Congruuence Modulo n.
    Let n Image Upload 22 Z+. The equivalence relation on Z+ corresponding to the partition of Z+ into residue classes modulo n is congruence modulo n. It is denoted a =n b or a = b (mod 4), read "a is congruent to b modulo n."
  9. (Equivalence Relations and Partitions) Let S be a nonempty set and let ~ be an equivalence relation on S. Then ~ yields a partition of S, where Image Upload 24 = {x Image Upload 26 S | x ~ a}. Also, each partition of S gives rise to an equivalence relation ~ on S where a ~ b if and only if a and b are in the same cell of the partition.
    We must show that the different cells Image Upload 28 = {x Image Upload 30 S | x ~ a} for a Image Upload 32 S do give a partition of S, so that every element of S is in some cell and so that if a Image Upload 34 Image Upload 36, then Image Upload 38 = Image Upload 40. Let a Image Upload 42 S. Then a Image Upload 44 Image Upload 46 by the reflexive condition, so a is in at least one cell. Suppose now that a were in a cell Image Upload 48 also. We need to show that Image Upload 50 = Image Upload 52 as sets; this will show that a cannot be in more than one cell. There is a standard way to show that two sets are the same: Show that each set is a subset of the other. We show that Image Upload 54 Image Upload 56 Image Upload 58. Let x Image Upload 60 Image Upload 62. Then x ~ a. But a Image Upload 64 Image Upload 66, so a ~ b. Then, by the transitive condition, x ~ b, so x Image Upload 68 Image Upload 70. Thus Image Upload 72 Image Upload 74 Image Upload 76. Now we show that Image Upload 78 Image Upload 80 Image Upload 82. Let y Image Upload 84 B. Then y ~ b. But a Image Upload 86 Image Upload 88, so a ~ b and by symmetry b ~ a. Then by transitivity y ~ a, so y Image Upload 90 Image Upload 92. Hence Image Upload 94 Image Upload 96 Image Upload 98 also, so Image Upload 100 = Image Upload 102 and our proof is complete.
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Abstract Algebra 1
First test review