
  1. IV pushes
    Administer flash at the same rate as the medication bolus becuase flush pushes medicaiton from the tulbing into the pt's vein.
  2. IV piggyback
    type of intermittent drug infusion. It is diluted either in a small bag or syringe of dextrose 5% in water or normal saline and administer as a drip over aprox. 30 min.
  3. Intermitent Infusion
    prepaired in the same manner as IV piggyback solution. BUt it is atached directly to an IV lock.
  4. General information on administering IV medications
    • Check compatibility of the medication with the existing IV solution
    • Verify the medication can safely be administered through that route(central or peripheral route)
    • Double check the infusion rate.
    • When preparing the midication syringe - label with med name, dilution, time to be administered, route, name of person.
    • Check for bubles in the sarynge flush
    • Flush the line with appropriate volume of saline or heparin flush

    • Down gloves and scrub IV connectors for at least 15 sec.
    • Insert a flush syringe at a vertical angle into the port (90 degree angle reduces stress on the port)
    • Open the clamp between the syringe and patient and flush (saline to simple clearing of the line is needed

    Use a negative displacement, maintain pressure on the syringe plunger, close the clamp on the IV line.

    Flush prevents incompatible medication or fluid from mixing at later administrations and ensures that all of the medication clears the catheter and enter the bloodstreem.
  5. Priming the tubing and labaling
    • clamp the tube, spike the bag, open the clamp and prime the tubing no more then one drop of fluid to escape, close clamp.
    • "BACKFLUSHING" - clamp tubbing, scrub surfaces of y port and attach the piggy back setup, open the clamp on the piggybakc tubing and lower the bag below the primary line to prime the piggyback line. Once it is primes, clamp it.
    • Label the bag - date, med, dosage, your initials.
    • Label the tubing - time, date, your initials. (can be only used for 48-72 hrs)

    Once piggyback infusion is finished, clamp it and move primary to its original height. Readjust the primary line infusion rate because it is different from the rate set for piggyback.
  6. Patient teaching perioperatevily
    Explain what to expect before surgery (ex. testing, discuss skin prep, preopr meds, otuline activities that will ocure before surgery such as iv, cath, cardia monitoring, explain need for removal of jewelry

    Expalin what to expect in the OR - where relatives may wieght, that pt will be monitorted by anasthesiologists, type of people presetn during surgery

    Explain what to expect after surgery - PACU, surgical unit, family may visit pt in surgical unit, assessment types, meds will be given, teach importance of deep breathing,
Card Set
IVPB/SL, Surgical scrub/gloving/circulating, Pre-op teaching, central lines, IV pumps, IV push med.