Chapter 13 (3)

  1. What are the three cranial meninges?
    • Dura mater
    • Arachnoid mater
    • Pia mater
  2. What are the two layers of the dura mater and what are they seperated by?
    • Endosteal layer: (Fused to cranial bones; no epidural space.)
    • Meningeal layer
    • These are seperated by slender fluid-filled gap containing fluids and blood vessels.
  3. Describe the location and structure of the arachnoid mater.
    • Found between the pia mater and the dura mater.
    • Consists of an Arachnoid membrane ( Which provides smooth covering that does not follow brain’s underlying folds. Subarachnoid space lies below) and an Arachnoid trabeculae (connects to the pia mater.).
  4. Describe the location and structure of the pia mater.
    • Bound to brain surface by astrocyte processes.
    • Extends into every fold and accompanies cerebral blood vessels extending into surface brain structures.
  5. What are dural folds and what is there function?
    • Dips in the cranial cavity.
    • Provide additional stabilization and support to brain.
  6. What is the Falx cerebri, where is it located, and what structures can be found inside?
    • Projection between cerebral hemispheres.
    • Inferior attachment to crista galli (anteriorly) and internal occipital crest (posteriorly).
    • Superior and inferior sagittal sinuses lie within.
  7. What is the Tentorium cerebelli?
    Separates cerebrum from cerebellum.
  8. What is the Falx cerebelli and where is it located?
    • Separates cerebellar hemispheres along midsagittal line.
    • Inferior to tentorium cerebelli.
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Chapter 13 (3)
Lecture test number one.