Human Anatomy Lab: Joints and Fractures

  1. What is this type of fracture called?
    • Comminuted
    • (bone shattered into multiple fragments)
  2. What is this type of fracture called?
    • Compound
    • (aka displaced, produces new and abnormal bone arrangements)
  3. What is this type of fracture called?
    • Greenstick
    • (only one side broken, other is bent)
  4. What is this type of fracture called?
    • Oblique
    • (break diagonal to bone shaft)
  5. What is this type of fracture called?
    • Simple
    • (non-displaced minor fracture)
  6. What is this type of fracture called?
    • Spiral
    • (twisting stress along length of bone)
  7. What is this type of fracture called?
    • Transverse
    • (break across long axis)
  8. What abnormality causes a lateral curvature in the vertebral column?
  9. What abnormality causes a hunchback in the vertebral column?
  10. What abnormality causes a swayback in the vertebral column?
  11. What is the bone type of the humerus?
    • Long bone
    • (longer than they are wide)
  12. What type of bone are the sternum and ribs?
    Flat bone (thin and flat)
  13. What type of bone are the carpals and tarsals?
    • Short bones
    • (as wide as they are long)
  14. What type of bone is the patella?
    Sesamoid bone (flat, small, round)
  15. What type of bone are the vertebrae and facial bones?
    • Irregular bones
    • (anything that's not the other type of bones)
  16. What joint is between the sternum and clavicle, and what type of joint is it?
    • Sternoclavicular joint
    • Gliding
  17. What joint is between the scapula and clavicle, and what type of joint is it?
    • Acromioclavicular joint
    • Gliding
  18. What joint is between the scapula and humerus, and what type of joint is it?
    • Glenohumoral joint
    • Ball-and-socket
  19. What joint is between the humerus/ulna and humerus/radius, and what type of joint is it?
    • Elbow
    • Hinge
  20. What joint is between the radius and ulna, and what type of joint is it?
    • Distal radioulnar joint
    • Pivot
  21. What joint is between the radius and carpals, and what type of joint is it?
    • Radiocarpal joint
    • Condyloid
  22. What joint is between the metacarpal/carpals?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Carpometacarpal joints
    • Saddle (thumb), gliding (II-V)
  23. What joint is between the metacarpal/phalange?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Metacarpophalangeal joint
    • Condyloid
  24. What joint is between the phalange/phalange?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Interphalangeal joint
    • Hinge
  25. What joint is between the vertebrae/ribs?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Vertebrocostal joint
    • Gliding
  26. What joint is between the atlas/occipital?
    What type of joint is it?
    Atlanto-occipital joint
  27. What joint is between the atlas/axis?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Atlanto-axial joint
    • Pivot
  28. What joint is between the b/w vertebrae?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Intervertebral joint
    • Gliding
  29. What joint is between the os coxae/pubis bone?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Pubic symphysis
    • Fibrous symphysis
  30. What joint is between the os coxae/femur?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Coxal joint
    • Ball-and-socket
  31. What joint is between the femur/tibia?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Tibiofemoral joint
    • Hinge
  32. What joint is between the tibia/fibula?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Proximal tibiofibular joint
    • Gliding
  33. What joint is between the tibia/talus?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Talocrural joint
    • Hinge
  34. What joint is between the tarsals?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Intertarsal joint
    • Gliding
  35. What joint is between the tarsals/metatarsals?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Tarsometatarsal joint
    • Gliding
  36. What joint is between the metatarsals/phalange?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Metatarsaophalangeal joint
    • Condyloid
  37. What joint is between the phalanges?
    What type of joint is it?
    • Interphalangeal joint
    • Hinge
Card Set
Human Anatomy Lab: Joints and Fractures
BIO 377 Naming different joints and recognizing fractures