1. sternocleidomastoid proximal attachment
    • sternal head: manubrium
    • clavicular head: superior medial clavicle
  2. sternocleidomastoid distal attachment
    mastoid process
  3. sternocleidomastoid innervation
    motor = spinal accessory (CN XI)

    sensory (proprioception) = C2-C3 ventral rami
  4. sternocleidomastoid main action
    unilateral: lateral flex neck and head, contralaterally rotate neck and head

    bilateral: flex neck, extend head (AO joint), protrude head
  5. anterior scalene proximal attachment
    transverse processes of C4-C6
  6. anterior scalene distal attachment
    first rib
  7. anterior scalene innervation
    ventral rami C5-C7
  8. anterior scalene main action
    flexes neck laterally; elevates first rib
  9. middle scalene proximal attachment
    transverse process c2-C7
  10. middle scalene distal attachment
    first rib
  11. middle scalene innervation
    ventral rami C3-C8
  12. middle scalene main action
    flexes neck laterally; elevates first rib
  13. posterior scalene proximal attachment
    transverse process of C5-C7
  14. posterior scalene distal attachment
    second rib
  15. posterior scalene innervation
    ventral rami C6-C8
  16. posterior scalene main action
    flexes neck laterally; elevates second rib
  17. omohyoid proximal attachment
    inferior belly: scapula to clavicle

    superior belly: clavicle to hyoid
  18. omohyoid distal attachment
    inferior border of hyoid
  19. omohyoid innervation
    C1-C3 by branch of ansa cervicalis
  20. omohyoid main action
    depresses, retracts, and steadies hyoid
  21. platysma proximal attachment
    inferior border of mandible, skin, and subcutaneous tissue of lower face
  22. platysma distal attachment
    fascia covering superior parts of pectoralis major and deltoid muscle
  23. platysma innervation
    facial nerve (CN VIII)
  24. platysma main action
    draw corner of mouth inferiorly and widens it as in expressions of sadness and fright; draws skin of neck superiorly when teeth are "clenched"
  25. anterior digastric proximal attachment
    digastric fossa of mandible

  26. anterior digastric distal attachment
    intermediate tendon to body and greater horn of hyoid

  27. anterior digastric innervation
    mandibular n. (CN VIII)
  28. anterior digastric main action
    depresses jaw; elevates hyoid
  29. posterior digastric proximal attachment
    mastoid notch of temporal bone

  30. posterior digastric distal attachment
    intermediate tendon to the body and greater horn of hyoid

  31. posterior digastric innervation
    facial n. (CN VII)
  32. posterior digastric main action
    depresses jaw; elevates hyoid
  33. stylohyoid proximal attachment
    styloid process of temporal bone

  34. stylohyoid distal attachment
    body of hyoid

  35. stylohyoid innervation
    facial n. (CN VII)
  36. stylohyoid main action
    elevates hyoid
  37. mylohyoid proximal attachment
    mylohyoid line of mandible

  38. mylohyoid distal attachment
    mylohyoid raphe and body of hyoid

  39. mylohyoid innervation
    mandibular n. (CN VIII)
  40. mylohyoid main action
    elevate hyoid
  41. sternohyoid proximal attachment
    manubrium and medial clavicle

  42. sternohyoid distal attachment
    body of hyoid

  43. sternohyoid innervation
    cervical plexus
  44. sternohyoid main action
    depresses hyoid
  45. sternothyroid proximal attachment
    posterior surface manubrium

  46. sternothyroid distal attachment
    oblique line of thyroid cartilage

  47. sternothyroid innervation
    cervical plexus
  48. sternothyroid main action
    depresses hyoid
  49. thyrohyoid proximal attachment
    oblique line of thyroid cartilage

  50. thyrohyoid distal attachment
    inferior border of body and greater horn of hyoid

  51. thyrohyoid innervation
    cervical plexus and CN XII
  52. thyrohyroid main action
    depresses hyoid
  53. omohyoid (superior belly) proximal attachment
    superior border of scapula near suprascapular notch

  54. omohyoid (superior belly) distal attachment
    inferior border of hyoid

  55. omohyoid innervation
    cervical plexus
  56. omohyoid main action
    depresses hyoid
  57. longus coli proximal attachment

    (deep cervical)
  58. longus coli distal attachment

    (deep cervical)
  59. longus coli innervation
    C2 - C6 ?
  60. longus coli main action
    flex cervical vertebra
  61. longus capitis proximal attachment
    basilar part of occipital bone

    (deep cervical)
  62. longus capitis distal attachment
    transverse process C3-C6

    (deep cervical)
  63. longus capitis innervation
    C2-C3 ?
  64. longus capitis main action
    flex head
Card Set
muscles head face neck