Pediatric Stages of Development

  1. 0 - 1 month
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • Inc. HC 0.5 inch/month
    • -lacks purposeful movements
    • -lies in flexed position
    • -regards person's face
  2. 2 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • Inc. HC 0.5 inch/month
    • -lifts head for short time when prone
    • -visually tracks objects 180 degrees
    • -smiles, frowns, coos
  3. 3 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • Inc. HC 0.5 inch/month
    • rolls from back to side
    • sits w/ suppor; recognize parents
    • focus on hands; squeals w/ pleasure
  4. 4 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • Inc. HC 0.5 inch/month
    • turns from back to prone
    • holds head erect while sitting
    • reaches w/ both hands; carries objects w/mouth
    • laughs aloud; make consonant sounds
  5. 5 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • Inc. HC 0.5/month
    • turns from abs to back
    • grasps objects intentionally
    • holds objects w/ one hand
    • play w/ feet
  6. 6 months
    • Birth weight doubled
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • Inc. HC 0.5/month
    • imitate sound
    • stranger anxiety
  7. 7 months
    • Teething @ 5-7 months
    • transfer objects from hand to hand
    • crawl; bears wt on feet when placed on surface
  8. 8 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • "dada" w/o meaning
    • sit alone w/support
    • pull to stand
    • pincer grasp developed
    • stranger anxiety
  9. 9 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • attempts to feed self
    • walk while holding on
    • bang blocks together
    • drink cups
    • searches hidden objects
  10. 10 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • may walk/climb
    • neat pincer grasp
    • one-hand dominance
    • play peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
    • few words
  11. 11 months
    • Inc. 1 inch/month
    • Inc. 3-5 oz/week
    • cooperates w/dressing self
    • attempts to feed self w/spoon
    • can follow one-step commands
    • understands "no"
    • shake's head "no"
  12. 12 months
    • Birth wt tripled
    • Inc. birth length by 50%
    • head/chest circumference even
    • may walk independent or w/hand
    • says "mama", "dada"
    • points for desired objects
  13. 15 months
    • scribbles
    • walk
    • pulls/pushes toys
    • builds towers w/blocks (2)
  14. 18 months
    • throws ball overhanded
    • build towers w/blocks (3-4)
    • may control sphincters
    • 10 words
  15. 24 months
    • 4x birth weight
    • 4-6 lbs/year during 2-6
    • climbs steps w/both feet
    • short phrases
    • jumps, runs (wide stance)
    • build 6-7 blocks
    • name familiar objects
  16. 30 months
    • walks backward
    • may hop on one foot
    • crude circles
    • holds crayon w/fist
  17. 3 years
    • all 20 teeth
    • climb stairs w/alternating feet
    • turn doorknobs
    • holds crayon w/fingers
    • dresses self
    • rides tricycle
    • bladder/bowel control
    • short sentences
    • build 9-10 blocks
    • copies circle
  18. 4 years
    • hop on one foot
    • recognize color
    • button/unbutton
  19. 5 year
    • catch ball
    • skips/jumps rope
    • balance w/eyes closed
    • 2100 words
  20. 6-12 years
    • 2-3 inch/year
    • 4.5-6.5 lb/year
    • primary teeth lost/replaced
    • language, math, reasoning skills
    • peer group
    • may swim, bike and roller skate
    • reads
  21. 12-18 years
    • continued physical growth
    • puberty
    • acceptance from groups
    • abstract thinking
    • individual identity
    • sex role identity
    • independence
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Pediatric Stages of Development
Stages of Development