CST 110

  1. Interpersonal attraction.
    The desire to interact with someone based on a variety of factors, including physical attractiveness, personality, rewards, proximity, or similarities.
  2. Knapp and Vangelisti's Stages of coming together.
    • Initiating-stage during which individuals meet and interact for the first time
    • experimenting-stage of coming together that requires risk taking because little is known as yet about the other person
    • intensifying-marks an increase int he participants commitment and involvement in the relationship
    • integrating-the relationship has a sense of togetherness
    • bonding-final stage in a relationship's development and growth is bonding, the public announcement of the commitment.
  3. Knapp and Vangelisti's Stages of coming apart.
    • Differentiating-the differences between the individuals are highlighted and become forces that slow or limit the growth of the relationship
    • circumscribing-info exchange is reduced, and some ares of difference are completely avoided because converatinw ould only lead to a deepening of the conflict.
    • stagnating-the relationship reaches a standstill at the stagnating stage
    • avoiding-up to this point, the participants int he relationship are still seeing each other or sharing the same living quarters
    • terminating-last stage in the breakup occurs when individuals take the necessary steps to end it
  4. Signs to show a relationship is in trouble.
    Aggressive behavior, lies, and betrayal.
  5. Duck's phases of dissolution.
    • the intrapsychic phase- people begin to internally asses their dissatisfactino with a relationship
    • the dyadic phase-pepole in the relationship discuss the satus of their relationship
    • the social phase-the relationship difficulties become more public within the ocntext of family, friends, co-workers, or other acquaintances
    • the grave-dressing phase-after the breakup, each partner gives an account of why the relationship ended
  6. Dialectic.
    Contradictory impulses that push and pull us in conflicting directions with others.
  7. Dialectical theory: push and pull.
    • Connection-autonomy
    • Openness-closedness
    • Novelty-predicability
  8. Conflict.
    An expressed struggle between at least 2 interdependence parties who perceive incompatiable goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals.
  9. Useful strategies for conflic management.
    • withdrawing-when we choose to avoid further conlifct by either psychologically or physically removing ourselfs from the situation
    • accomodating-does not assert his or her own needs but rather prefers to go along to get along
    • forcing-one person has power and dominance over another person
    • negotiating-a give-and-take process and leads to each party having some satisfaction and some dissatisfaction with the outcome
    • callaboration-requires cooperation and mutual respect
Card Set
CST 110
Study cards for exam #2