physicla enviroment
includes climate, chemical, soil
long-term trends in temperature wind and percipitation
salinity, acidity, concentration of gas
current temp, humidity, percipitation, wind, and cloud cover
climate variation
- seasonal changes, large-scale changes, gas changes
- global energy that drives climate is derived from solar radiation
latent heat flux
heat loss due to evaporation
exchange of energy by direct contact
energy transfer through currents of air and water
sensible heat flux
energy transfer on Earth by convection and conduction
Greenhouse Gasses
atmospheric gasses that are radiactively active gasses
rise in a pocket of warm air because of the cold air around it
atmospheric pressure
force exerted on a pocket of air by the air molecules above it, decreases with increase in altitude
atmospheric layer above Earth surface
layer above troposphere
- air decends down to Earth once reaches similar temp
- creates regions of high atmospheric pressure and inhibits cloud formation
lapse rate
lower in temp with increase in height
maritime climate
- coastal terrestrial regions, little variations in daily/ seasonal temp, higher humidity
- can occur in all climate zones
continential climate
- area in middle of large continential land masses has greater variation in temp
- temperate zones
rain-shadow effect
- loss of moisture, warming of air as it moves down the leeward slope, influences types and amount of vegatation on mountain range
- lush on windward
- sparse, drought resistant on leeward
- capacity of a land surface to reflect solar radiation, influenced by presence and type of vegetation, soil, topography
- light colored surface have highest
- sum of water loss through transpiration and evaporation, increases with the area of leave surface per unit of ground surface area
- transfers energy and water into atmosphere
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
zone of maximum solar radiation between the Northern and Southern hemispheres as Earth orbits the sun
- layering of water in oceans and lakes
- determines the movement of nutrients and oxygen
surface layer, warmest cotains most active populations of phyto and zooplakton
- underneath epilimnion
- zone of rapid temperature decline
- layer underneath thermocline
- densest and coldest water in the lake
- during fall and spring all layers become same temp causeing layers to mix
- recycle of nutrients that were lost from top layer during summer
- replenish oxygen supply to bottom
El Nino Southern Oscilation (ENSO)
- upwelling of deep water off coast of south america ceases as easternly winds weaken
- occurs at intervals of 3-8 years
- associated with unusually dry conditions in Indoneasia, other parts of South American and Australia- increase in fires
- in southern US and mexico increase in percipitation
La Nina
- included in ENSO
- stronger than average phases of normal pattern
- high pressure of coast of South America and low pressure in western pacific
- drought conditions to US and mexico- intensify fires
North Atlantic Osciallation
affect climate variation in Europe, northern Asia, and east coast of North America
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
- North Pacific
- affect climate similar to ENSO and can modify or intensify effects of ENSO
Continential drift
movement of land masses across the surface of Earth as they float on mantle beneath crust
glacial maxima
peaks of glacial advancement
interglacial period
periods of glacial melting and retreat
Milankovitch cycles
combination of regular changes in shape of Earth's orbit and tilt of axis changed the intensity of solar radiation at high latitudes cause glacial-interglacial cycles
- concentration of dissolved salts in water
- Salts: ionic compounds composed of anions and cations that disassociate when in water
- can inhibit metabolic activity if concentrations are too high or low
high rates of evapotraspiration result in build up of salts at the surface soil
- acidity: compounds that give up protons into water when disassociated
- alkalinity: bases take up protons
- pH influences terrestrial and fresh water systems, oceans have buffers