Psychotic Disorders Acute phase
- behavior stabilization
- reality testing
- discharge planning
- goal setting
- Global Assessment of Functioning
- 1-100
psychological, social, and occupational functioning
false beliefs in external reality without an appropriate stimulus
Psychotic Disorders Long Term Hospitalization Focus
- normalizing environmental
- how to achieve goals
- discharge planning
Inability to understand and/or Misinterpretation of sensory information
- I - Clinical Disorders
- II- Mental Retardation, Personality Disorders
- III- General Medical
- IV- Social, environmental
- V- GAF
psychotic disorders community settings focus
- behavior monitoring
- maintenance behaviors
- independent living
Antisocial Personality Disorder
diffiulty conforming to social norms
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
- magical thinking
- illusions
- peculiar
Avoidant Personality Disorder
feelings of ineptness or unworthiness
Schizoid Personality Disorder
socially withdrawy, bland, constricted
ADD/HD intervention
- environmental modification
- consulting with teachers/parents
- sensory modulation
- self management
- volition
- habituation
- performance capacity
*environment impacts performance
Difficulty connecting with reality, disturbance of consciousness
Severe MR Focus
- communication skills
- significant impairments
Moderate MR Focus
- supported employment
- supervised living
- independence in daily routine
Mild MR Focus
- supported employment
- minimal support
Personality Disorders
Behavior that deviates markedly from cultural norms in cognition, affect, impulse control, and interpersonal relating
abrupt changing of focus to a loosely associated topic
psychomotor agitation
cognitive of motor activity generally non productive and in response to inner tension
state of restless characterized by an urgent need for movement
Evaluation group
Focus: develop an understanding of an individuals task and group interaction
Parallel groups
members work on independent projects with minimal interaction
Cooperative group
Learning to work together-- enjoy each others company, meet emotional needs.
Mature Groups
Responsive to members needs; balance between carrying out the task and meeting members needs
Thematic Groups
Groups designed to teach specific skills
Topical Groups
discussion of activities and issues outside of the group that are current or anticipatedInstrumental Group
Instrumental Group
meeting health needs and maintaining functions
Project Groups
common short term activities some interaction required; to develop the ability to perform a shared short term activity with another member in a comfortable cooperative member
Development Groups
Focus; to teach and develop members group interaction skills
Task Oriented Group
To increase clients' awareness of their needs, values, ideas, feelings and behaviors as they engage in a group task
Managing Hallucinations
highly structred
environment free of distractions
managing delusions
redirect thoughts to reality
Managing offensive behavior
- set limits
- state reasons that behaviors arent acceptable
- consequences
managing manic or monoplizing behavior
- highly structured activity
- require shift of focus from patient to patient
- thank patient for participating
- limit setting
Managing Alzheimers
- make eye contact
- value and validate
- use positive nonverbal communication
- short simple words
- familiar, enjoyable routine
psychosocial groups: considerations in activity selection
- degree of structure
- degree of new learning required
- complexity of activity
- length of time for completion
- degree of challenge
- nature and degree of skill required
ACL Levels
- 1. Automatic motor response
- 2. Movement associated with comfort
- 3. Exploratoryl use of hands; needs longterm repetitive practice
- 4. simple tasks, visual cues, can't cope with unexpected
- 5. overt trial and error; new learning occurs
- 6. absence of disability, trial and error
Positive symptoms
excesses or distortions
negative symptoms
loss or absence of functioning