How we organize our time often determines how successful we'll be not how much time we actually have.
Organizing your time teaches you to: 1) Prioritize 2) Be on time 3) Have more time 4) Reduce stress 5) Be more selective
Do not squander time for that is the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin Johnson
By organizing your time, you're more likely to remain focussed on the important things that have to be accomplished that day. This helps you to avoid distractions.
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
Murphy's law. THis is especially true when things are left to be done at the last minute.
The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves. This means saying "no" to what is not important and "yes" to what is.
Stephen Covey
First things first
Be more selective
Learn to say no to what is not important and yes to what is
1) Eliminating mistakes 2) Doing things right the first time 3) Giving employers, customers, and teachers what they ask for 4) Finishing projects on time
Four key steps to organizing your time:
1) Determine how you spend your time now 2) Make a to-do list 3) Prioritize your activities 4) Put those activities on a weekly schedule
Quality Control
1) Establish the baseline 2) Set goals for improvement 3) After a certain period of time, evaluate if progress is being made towards goal achievement
Task list optimization: Break your list into 1s which are those items which should be completed first and 2s which are items that could be postponed if necessary
Create a weekly schedule broken down day by day
Lean to say NO like a maniac to your time wasters. You can't let critical tasks go undone because of unimportant distractions.
Helen Gurley Brown -
Slang or casual words such as "uh-huh", Yep, and Yeah are not appropriate in a business setting.
Maintain a service-oriented attitude
What things can I delegate to my administrative assistant?
Many people wast time because they don't plan their activities effectively.
Do your most challenging tasks first when you have the most energy.
According to a study detailed in the New York Times, students who procrastinate get more cold and flu symptoms, more digestive problems, and tend to have unhealthy lifestyles. The study found that those who procrastinate also get less sleep and have problems regulating their behavior.
Procrastination and Health
Four Reasons for Procrastination 1) Perfectionism, which can create frustration and a reluctance to start projects for fear that they won't be perfect. 2) Anger/hostility. If a person is unhappy with a boss or professor they may delay progress or withhold their own best efforts as a way of "getting even." 3) Low frustration tolerance. If someone is overwhelmed by a project, they may feel that it's reasonable to put it off for awhile until your frustration subsides. 4) Self-deprication, or putting down one's own skills, abilities, and accomplishments. If someone does this repeatedly, he or she may eventually come to believe that they are incapable of completing projects and thus put them off.
When you're dragging your feet on a task that seems endless or insurmountable, break it down into simpler components.
Stephanie Winston in the Organized Executive
Perfection can't be expected in this world.
Old proverb
The search for perfection often turns responsible people into procrastinators. If you try to make everything perfect, you'll end up driving yourself crazy. You'll put in needless hours of work that could be spent on something more important. Nothing is ever perfect; it can merely be improved.
If we had time to organize, we'd be less harried. But if we were less harried, we would have time to organize.
Richard Laliburte
Build in time for quiet reflection, evaluate what you are doing and ask yourself if you are on the right track.
Make a long list of activities you engage in and grade them A through D. Make a new list every six months and cut out the activities that grade C or D.
Trying to do a task too quickly, you're apt to make mistakes - mistakes that will cost you time and energy later. More on back.
Slow down and build a little extra time into your schedule to review your work and revise it if necessary. This will enable you to submit a much better product.
With self-discipline, all things are possible. Without it, even the simplest goal can seem like an impossible dream.
Theodore Rosevelt, 26th President