Why did the Han organize their gov the way they did?
- Leaders (Gaozu & Wudi) knew prob that Shang and Qin faced
- Shang gave land to aristocrats and they became powerful nobles who challenged emperor
- This weekend emperor
- Qin was oppressive & autocratic
- People didn't trust gov that relied on legalist ideas and what ever emperor wanted was correct
- Han distributed power to China but not based on birth, based on test
- Han- everyone followed same set of rules
- Han emperors retained control over country because they could remove officers, governors, and punished them or moved them to different areas
- Since all officers were to follow rules of Confucius, people had greater trust that gov would be more than Qin was
Dates For...
Han Dynasty Ends-
Qin Dynasty-
Zhou Dynasty Begins-
Sidartha starts Buddhism-
Beggining of Islam-
Confucious Dies-
End of Pax Romana-
Roman Republic-
- = 3 BC
- = 3 BC
- = 12 BC
- = 6 BC
- = 6
- = 5 BC
- = 2
- = 6 BC
Founder of Qin
Shi Huangdi
China's joy, China's sorrow
Huang He
Fertile soil found in Huang He Valley
Most Enduring dynasty lasting 900 years
A collection of Zhou writings including poetry, history, and Confucian thought. Used for examination.
Five Classics
Government in which the ruler held total power
River in northern China that floods often but provides water for agriculture
Huang He
Cattle bones and tortoise shells used to fortell the future
Oracle bones
Period known for large bronze vessels, writing, art from jade, ivory and bone, and calendar
Dynasty that saw development of Confucionism, Doaism, and Legalism
China's first historic dynasty that lasted until 1122 BC
Belief that gods determine who should rule China
General who over threw the Qin and founded the Han Dynasty
Wu Di
Legendary dynasty from around 2000 BC
Han emperor who established silk road
Wu Di
System in which workers administor the day to day business of gov
Civil Service
BELIEF THAT GOV SHOULD RULE BY SETTING A good example for citizens
Belief that people should withraw from material wealth in order to live in harmonywith the universe
Belief that people are untrustworthy so servere laws are required
A collection of the teachings of Confucius
Dynasty where gov officials were chosen by taking a test
Form of Chinese medicine based upon Doaism ideas of energy flow
Combination of Legalism ideas, Daoist philosophy and the morality of Konzi
The greater vehical of Buddha that spread north from India. It allowed people to practice Buddhism without giving up family and wordly life.
The lesser vehical of Buddhism that encouraged people to give up worldly life and live in monestaries
Spent 12 years traveling in Asia on behalf of Han emperor. Credited for silk trading
Wu Di
Religion spread into China along silk road
Founded by Mahavira, believes that to archive moksa you must follow ahimsa doing no harm to living creatures
Founded by Laoiza, believes that everything in the universe follows a force behind all change
Believes that desire is the cause of suffering and to extinguish desire one must follow the right view, intensions and actions